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Everything posted by Maebon

  1. I realize that with true randomness you can see apparent patterns and I may have just been extremely unlucky, so I want to see if other people have noticed anything similar. I usually play one or two adventures on quest mode a night with a 6 person party. Typically I see the same locations, and I mean the exact same 6 locations, game after game. Sometimes I'll get 1 or 2 new ones, but often enough it's the same 6 from the game before. I frequently get streaks of the same mastermind as well. I've also noticed that if I fail against a monster or a trap it tends to get shuffled back into the top 2 cards of the deck. I just had a very unfortunate game where I failed against the Zombie Horde card 4 times (with 6 characters someone will probably get unlucky with their check) and each time it was shuffled back as either the top card or right under the top card. For this to happen 4 times in a deck of 6+ cards is very unlikely. Then the mastermind was the guy where after the check you roll a d6 and on a 1 or 2 start the check over. Apparently that roll happens even if you would lose the check, because he rolled a 1 five times in a row. Not a 1 or a 2, he kept rolling '1' and I thought the game was stuck (was long out of cards to add to the check). This is of course after rolling a 1 the previous round as well and failing the second check. So as I said, either I'm just extremely unlucky and hit the 1 in 7776 chance of rolling a 1 five times in a row, or something is off in the randomizer. (It was also a stage where he got stronger for each henchman defeated. I didn't stand a chance.) Anyone else experiencing anything similar?
  2. People complain about the lack of information, while this thread only exists because they communicated too much. If instead of 'June' the client just said 'soon' there would be far fewer complaints about a lack of content updates this month. This is why most companies don't give out their planned time-lines and why this one probably won't again, as this is the response they get from it. Sure, would have been nice to get a post letting us they were going to miss June, but it's quite possible they were still pushing to get it out this month and didn't know it wasn't gong to happen until today. Heck, they could still be hoping to push it out today, but by this point if they made an announcement that they were going to miss June the response would be 'well obviously, why didn't you tell us sooner?' The lesson here is to never communicate future plans, there's very little to be gained by it and if you end up being wrong everyone complains.
  3. I've had this happen to me semi-frequently using Kyra's "Dawnflower's Favor" ability, this is just the info for the most recent: Stage: Them Oger's Ain't Right (Legendary difficulty) Wild Cards: Driving Rain, Night approaches (As I said this has happened to me multiple times, I don't think it's the particular stage or wildcards, but there they are) Team (in turn order): Lem, Kyra, Merisiel Location: Woods Encounter: Slashing Blade It's Kyra's turn, on her exploration she encounters a Slashing Blade trap. (I do not remember if it was her first explore or if she discarded "Jakardros Sovark" after her first explore and this is her second.) Kyra Discards Blessing of Sarenrae, Lem discards a blessing (I think Shelyn) and Merisiel discards a blessing (I think Erastil). Kyra rolls 4d4 and gets 12, beating the trap. When asked Blessing of Sarenrae is recharged (using Kyra's "Dawnflower's Favor" ability). Recharge animation shows as normal but the slashing blade card does not crumble as normal when defeated, it just disappears. The top of the explore deck flashes as if it's Kyra's turn to explore, and when tapped she encounter's the Slashing Blade trap again. The cards that were discarded to pass the check the first time are still in the discard piles. This doesn't happen every time Kyra use's "Dawnflower's Favor", but when it does happen it tends to be on traps or henchmen, typically when multiple cards have been used to add to the check. However, this could just be because those are the checks that I am more likely to use her blessings for. I have not encountered this with boons, but I rarely use blessings for boons. It also doesn't have to be Kyra's turn, it has caused encounters to reset for other party members as well with the cards used previously lost.
  4. Kyra and Mersiel are still bugged as well with their new role powers. Merisiel's "Inspired Dexterity" often banishes the card instead of reaching it, meaning choosing the ability makes her worse. Kyra's "Dawnflower's Favor" frequently causes the turn to reset with the cards spent on the check being lost, regardless of if it was a success or fail. (For example I just had Kyra explore, get a trap, and spent 3 cards to get a success including Kyra's Blessing of Sarenrae. After recharging it the trap just disappeared but the top of the deck was flashing for Kyra to explore again even though I did not use an ability to get an extra exploration, and when she explored the trap showed up again, and all the cards I had spent previously to pass it were gone.) Kyra's is particularly game breaking as if I need to use a blessing to pass a check, having the turn reset while missing the cards I used to pass the check typically means I'm screwed for that turn. (and it seems to happen more often when I spend a bunch of cards to get the success, but maybe I'm just exceedingly unlucky) Honestly I'm kind of frustrated that they rushed out a hot-fix for "here comes the flood" because that was allowing people to get gold a little easier, (it doesn't take much effort to redo lower level stages on legendary anyway) but have left the two character's that everyone starts with broken for a month. I was expecting another hot-fix shortly there after as Kyra is basically unplayable for me now. I have to make a conscious effort not to use her new ability that I was initially excited to get just so that I don't risk getting burned by it. It feels like "here comes the flood" was a priority because people might spend less money if they can get gold easy, but fixing these abilities isn't because if anything it just pushes people to buy other characters so they can have ones that work, and makes me less inclined to want to spend more money in the future.
  5. I've encountered a bug with Lini's beastform in story mode where I discarded a card but was not given a d10 to roll. The party was Lem, Harsk, Seelah, and Lini. The stage was Foul Misgiving (2-3) on Legendary Difficulty. Lem had encountered The Skinsaw Man at the academy and locations were being temporarily closed. Harsk was alone at the Warrens and closed it. Seelah and Lini were together at the farm, all other locations were closed. Seelah tried closing the farm and faced a specter, she beat it but her weapon was not magical and she was moved. Lini tried closing the location and I think was facing a Yeth Hound. After the Wisdom check I was given a d4 to roll, Lini did not have any weapons or spells to use and I activated Beastform and discarded a card. The modifiers section said ' temporary dex die d10' but I still only had a d4. When I expanded the modifiers menu it showed strength as a d10 as well, but dragging down the combat menu at the top did not give me any option other than a d4. I tried going to the vault and back, tried quitting and reloading, and closing the app entirely and reopening. Every time I was stuck with the d4. I also noticed that each time the game loaded with beastform already 'activated' with the card discarded (still showing a d4) even though I had canceled the ability each time before closing.
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