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About Morka

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Nope. Colonel Mustard with the Wrench. Sorry, couldn't help myself. To be serious, it was Seloni (SP) in the Desecrated Vault.
  2. Making a backup of my save files and then rebuilding my party as RedPred suggested worked for me. The only loss I had was some of my adventures no longer show as completed on Expert. Aarik, Should I open another thread for not getting my Google Play Games credit for Skinsaw? It's showing my xp (in Play) for Hook Mountain.
  3. Thanks to everyone for their help on this! I've submitted save for support, created backups, and was able to create a new party. I've never dug around in Android files like I used to for Windows games, but I'm seeing some potential here! Mainly I'm just happy to have my game back.
  4. That sounds a bit dangerous, but worth a try I guess. In the past I must have hit the wrong key, because Iost a well upgraded Harsk. I hope I don't loose everyone. They've got some pretty nice cards at this point.
  5. I'm currently unable to take any next moves in an ongoing Story mode adventure. I'm trying to finish the last adventure in Hook Mountain, and played an ability (I'm sorry I can't remember which one) that allows a hero to restore an item from their discard. I'm now stuck with the screen attached. The only viable item is the Orb of Firestorm which I cannot drag out of the discard frame. The other buttons (settings, vault, deck, etc) are all unresponsive. I can drag the discard list left and right, and highlight an individual card but not drag any of them out. In short, I'm unable to do anything, and don't have any online backups other than this stuck-state. This is occurring on a Galaxy Tab S2 with all current patches (both device and game), running Android 6.0.1. To debug I've fully shut down the app, cleared data cached on the device itself, and clean-loaded the app. The problem has persisted now for three days. Right now I'm unable to move the game forward, and would have to start over from the beginning. Please let me know any way I can get this resolved.
  6. I haven't gotten any really good Bane alpha-strikes. When running out of time I've dumped all my dice into getting a basic blessing though. Because, why not?
  7. I've never gotten through the rules. They seemed a bit too abstract without the pieces in front of you.
  8. I'm trying to NOT let my mind ponder what would be in a bag of blessings from Callistra......
  9. I will heed the warning of the scary System Shock logo person! Darn, now I'm all excited to start and stuck waiting. :-D
  10. Great! What's the ETA for that patch? What does the bug do, lose data? Thank you very much!
  11. Sorry in advance if this is something that's been asked before, or I missed it on the webpage. I'm a Pathfinder player, and have become very interested in PoE. I wanted to check on one item before getting a copy. How easy is it to pause the game, or quickly quit-out without loosing tons of progress? Due to family needs, I often have to stop playing games with little warning. I've become pretty frustrated with many modern games because you have to be 100% present until a match is finished, or a way-point is reached. After losing too many matches, plot elements, and cut scenes, I've been out of most games. How is PoE with the ability to pause, or save and quit? Having Pathfinder in digital format, and easy to exit, has been a huge win! Thanks!
  12. I'm glad to hear that you get more chances to specialize. For some reason my Harsk didn't get his choice.
  13. A quick way to dump our character decks to text would be a great addition to that. We could all compare builds and keep track of our progress!
  14. Yay! Meta-game! I'll be keeping an eye out for opportunities now.
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