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About freyajack

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  1. I can confirm that this bug is still present in 6.5 in the Steam version. Being unable to complete the game because of a bug is a very dissatisfying ending to an otherwise great gameplay experience. I know I could beat this scenario without using the Quill, but doing so would require a lot of luck and grinding, which I have no desire to do. This game is amazing in general, and I think it is a shame the developers haven't had the time to fix bugs like this.
  2. Faster Loading Times / Less Animation I love this game and would love it even more if there was a way to increase the ratio of actual gameplay to time spent waiting. This would involve both reducing or eliminating the time spent on the "loading" screen (could you pre-fetch data when you know or can predict what is coming?) and reducing or eliminating the micro-delays where you wait for little animations to finish. I know we can turn effects off but some animations that block the UI remain, so having a "no really, all effects off" button would be much appreciated by me at least.
  3. So I think there are two ways to do this. A) Start a whole new "save slot". B) Swap out characters in an existing save slot. I'm not clear on what, if any, the distinction would be. Can someone clarify this for me? Thank you!
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