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Posts posted by rokor

  1. okay well basically. Im a 13 year old boy who loves games.I can already make maps and such for some of my multiplayer games. I think it would be really cool if i could learn how to make games and put stuff on the market. I was just wondering. What should i do? Are there websites or something that can help me reach my goal of becoming a game designer/maker or whatever. :thumbsup: basically i am asking for some help, websites, advice, things to help me become successful in the world of gaming.

  2. okay, I dont know if this goes here but im having trouble with modview. As you probably know im the kid that really REALLY wants to get into game graphics design. Well, I got modview to make my own models and stuff for JKA. With my luck IT WONT WORK! Everytime i try to put a model in modview a window pops up. The window says the file path then "exceeds MAX_QPATH" and doesnt show the model. I've looked it up online and I've asked almost everyone i know and they can never help. So if anyone knows whats wrong or they have had the problem and they fixed it. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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