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Derpy Muffin

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Everything posted by Derpy Muffin

  1. and after 2 rounds, down 29-0. I have literally not seen an ally yet, but magga has apparently eaten 29 of them?
  2. I understand the mechanic involved, think it's pretty cool. But after one round with my 4 heroes I'm already down 17-0. How can you possibly compete when Magga routinely scored 3-4 points every round?
  3. There is. Looks like pre-patch in terms of done-ness. Cards still locked in vault.
  4. Meaning I have to beat every scenario on legendary again? Ugh.
  5. Was this fixed with patch? None of them unlocked for me...
  6. I have no idea what parties I used to beat what quests. New patch still has it locked for me
  7. Excited for,new content. However still no unlock for the samisen and equivalent for adventure 2 despite beating them all on legendary. Am I out of luck?
  8. Like waiting for Christmas morning! After reading the notes, does this mean the cards like samisen, etc. will be retroactively unlocked since I have completed them all but with different parties? It didn't say otherwise...
  9. Yeah my solution is to avoid quest mode until 1.03
  10. That actually doesn't work. ONLY my druid is highlighted to receive the first card, which goes fine. Then I click the blue arrow on the right, and ONLY Ezren is highlighted with the gift of the bouncy untap-able card
  11. Oh good! When is 1.03 coming out? I'm on ipad so apparently much harder to attach a save file than android. It is a rather comical bug!
  12. I get my XP, everyone lived. First guy gets a card reward, no problem. Second character same thing, but when I tap on it, it rapidly floats off the top of the screen, and 'explodes' there like the animation when you get a card. Problem is, I can no longer advance the screen now. Been stuck in quest mode for a week because of this...I'd attach a screenshot but, 1 MB limit? Really?
  13. Derp is me. I assumed all 6 were done. Bummer!
  14. Half my party has done all of skinsaw. I try only taking them in the party and hook is still locked. On a related note, can only characters who have comp,teed all of skinsaw start hook mountain?
  15. Thanks! I'm assuming that until the patch comes out, I should hold off on trying to get adventure rewards for my other characters for that story arc then?
  16. So I completed the first three missions on all three difficulties, but the samisen is still locked in my vault. Am I doing something wrong? Is this a known bug? Thanks!
  17. No luck. another post that indicates end of scenario bug on this mission so I'm staying away until fixed.
  18. Other mark isn't uncompleted. Uncompleted is no mark. It's weird. Hard to keep track of who needs to replay what missions for perks!
  19. I see the completed tab now. Duh on me. I'm not sure I get it though. Some have check marks next to them, easy. Others have little brown diamond marks? What do those mean?
  20. Ah see my new post. Should I not replay local heroes then?
  21. I just replayed local heroes a second time to get more rewards for different characters. Beat it, all lived, got gold reward. Then I'm stuck on this screen, even after restarting the app and my iPad. Help! Dammit can't attach screenshot. 1mb limit?! Basically all five characters have ! Above them and are glowing like normal, but tapping them does nothing. Nor can I tap the blue arrow on right to advance.
  22. Ahhhh. So all four would have to complete all previous scenarios? If so, that's hard to keep track of!
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