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Everything posted by Smakx

  1. Is there a way to do this within Dropbox or does it require some kludging or another app(s).. There is a free android app on the Google Play store called airdroid that makes it easy to copy files back and forth from the device to a pc over your wifi network. You just install airdroid on your android device and start the app, it gives you an ip address to type into the address bar of a web browser on your pc. The device makes a sound and you hit a button on it to approve the connection. Then in the web browser you have a file browser to browse the file system on the android device that allows you to upload and download files to and from it.
  2. I did some searching, and on android the save files are located here: /sdcard/Android/data/net.obsidian.pacg1/files/PACG1_SAVE_GAMES/ In that folder you will find subfolders named slot01, slot02, etc... I haven't actually tried copying save progress from one android device to another, but that is where the files are.
  3. Good videos, I especially like the party of 6 series. Good job explaining strategies and such, thanks for making and posting these.
  4. Works perfect on my iPad2 IOS 9.3.1. Slower loading screens of course than my iPadAir, but not a single crash yet. Little lag on some card drags sometimes. I hear others having problems though. I would recommend turning off effects and others are also saying they turned off all audio. I turned off effects right away, because I know I need to turn stuff off like that on my dinopad. But my audio is on and its working great. I think that having iOS updated to the latest version as you indicated is important, the game was crashing during loading for me on my iPad2 prior to updating. I've mainly been playing on android (and Andy the android virtual machine on my PC), but the game seems to be running fine on my iPad 2 after the OS upgrade w/o anything turned off.
  5. In the meantime while they are working on the steam version, you can play the android version on pc using a virtual machine. I have been playing Pathfinder Adventures on my pc using Andy, an android virtual machine that utilizes oracle vmware. It is free, but you get a couple adds the first time you run it and a couple of small "suggested games" that you can just uninstall. Other people have said that Bluestacks plays the game well too. I have been playing many of my android games on pc for awhile now using andy, I have yet to see one it doesn't run well. It is nice to play these games on a big screen when at home, and it can get you around buying some games twice that sell mobile and pc versions separately. http://www.andyroid.net/
  6. Thank you for the quick response, this is very good news. The game is great and the forthcoming addition of multiplayer and cross-platform purchases makes me even happier that I made the bundle purchase.
  7. I have the game installed on an android device as well as an ipad2. My googleplay account on android is linked to a different email address than my gamecenter account on the ipad. I purchased the full bundle on android and am quite happy with it. I was surprised to see how well the game is running on my ipad2 and would very much like the purchases to be available there too. I am hoping that the purchases are actually cross-platform as this topic implies and that a method of restoring the purchases on the second device (in my case the ipad2) becomes available soon.
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