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Everything posted by psyminki

  1. you probably did not get me i know why. because my english sucks i was not talking about loading time (speed) but times of loading
  2. hi guys! im from korea and i would like to appreciate you guys for making damn nice masterpiece for crpg fans! im here to suggest something to make convenient environment for playing POE i feel loading is too frequent especially when its time to travel around defiance bay it is same feeling when i entered baldurs gate city is divided into sections and it makes too frequent loading i had this idea for long but just now i saw bottom of my endurance and decided to write this please imagine, i just finished clearing cliaban rilag (loading to get out of dungeon) walk to border (loading to get to brackenbury) walk to dunryd row (loading to get into first level of dunryd row) just walk few steps (loading to get into second level) talk to lady webb walk few steps more (loading to first level) walk literally 5 steps (loading to get out of house) walk to border (loading to first fires to see crucible knights) walk to keep (loading...) this game is awesome but. What The Hell Is This...? i strongly suggest to make option to choose destination! it is not difficult job because we already have this feature remember when we cleared tower in heritage hill cheers
  3. sorry i didnt know it is under 'hidden object' category thank you for kind answers for a noob!
  4. im from korea and i would like to appreciate you for making awesome game for crpg fans i like every single thing from the game but only one thing i dislike it is about auto pause for trap detection generally i turn on fast moving by pressing 'd' but i turn on hiding when i explore first going dungeon as everybody knows, it gives not only hiding from enemies but also able to detect hidden things including traps i intentionally move bit by bit to give time to detect traps but if a trap falls within range i clicked, it definitely always activate traps therefore, i strongly suggest there must be option for auto pause when detect a trap such as buldur's gate series if you could make the option for me, i would not suffer from stress no more cheers
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