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About scope88

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  1. this aint really an idea but dont u think that it'll be a bit mean if they make all this hype for kotor 3 and it doesn't get made imagine all the dissapointed peple spamming and flaming this site lol... i for one hope they make it i love kotor 1 and 2 and would love to find out about this sith reven went after or get the chance to be in a huge land battle sorta like what you saw in attack of the clones
  2. hey guys im in a rush so sorry if some one already posted this idea but no time to read through all of the posts. i would like to have Revan and the Exile in the game with them both being powerful and you get them both as main characters goin off to different parts of the galalxies doin there parts and you go back and forth between them like after doin a big mission block for the game you switch to revan, or have them and one main character and to judge if they were femal/male light/dark you would tell sumone who asks you about them in the game so when u meet up with them to do there part of the game they will be the way u want them man/women light/dark yea not that great i know needs more work on the idea but ah well :D
  3. hey guys im new to playing RPG games and i was thinking how in some rpg games you have now the two fighting styles one like in "Lord of the Rings The Third Age" how you say attack and your guy runs over hits the opponent and runs back, and the other seen in KOTOR 1 and 2 where you and your enemy can fight simutaniously i was wondering if RPG games will one day have a fighting style like jedi academy or path of neo but to stop people ruining the by running around killing innocent people or people that help you etc the game will only enable the fighting ability when you talk to someone and get into a fight or you get attacked by a creature wich would be obvious to a player weather or not its enabled when a monster is heading for you lol. anyway hope you can make sence of what i just said and i hoped i dont get flammed for it like i usually do for my opinion or suggestions like im most forums lol :D
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