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About lecneri

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  1. Hello Aarik D, I've put lowest Graphic Quality, upgraded to windows 10 and downloaded the proper and updated video driver and still crashing.
  2. Thank you Aarik D for your answer, specially for this time in year where we all look forward to be with our families, so thank you again for your time. Ok now directly to the point; - about the video's drive: I'm updating it right now. - about the game cache: I forgot to mention but I did that before coming here, also I've deleted and downloaded the game all over again. - about lowering resolution: I'll try that on holiday and I'll get back with news. I'm also thinking in upgrade my Windows to 10, do you recommend?
  3. Description: PoE keeps crashing, unplayable. Sometimes crashes on load, sometimes on encounter, sometimes looting. Everything makes the game crash. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Open the game Load the saved game Open a box OR encounter OR wander around Here an example https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5t1YfMx_7hGQlVTdDlGTUpJNnc/view?usp=sharing Important Files: Crash.Dmp https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5t1YfMx_7hGcHRXcnpaVmNSRW8/view?usp=sharing Savegames https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5t1YfMx_7hGUmR2V05wUWpXV00/view?usp=sharing Output Log https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5t1YfMx_7hGUTN4dDBLaWZyRUk/view?usp=sharing System Specs DXDiag https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5t1YfMx_7hGanN3N3JhWUtxY00/view?usp=sharing Screenshots https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5t1YfMx_7hGQlVTdDlGTUpJNnc/view?usp=sharing DxDiag.txt 2015-12-22_224112.zip output_log.zip
  4. Everytime I try to play Pillars Of Eternity it crashes. Quite annoying, some times crashes on load screen other time opening a box, even on main menu. Here error log https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5t1YfMx_7hGVXprRmU5azVMbVU/view?usp=sharing
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