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Posts posted by haveahappy

  1. Personally, the biggest issue I have with the hand drawn, static backdrops is that it limits the modding community to people who can produce such vistas.


    I'm not even sure if PoE will ever get a mods toolkit, but one thing no one can deny about NWN is that it had lots of really great community produced mods. I doubt we'll ever see that for a game that relys on (beautiful) 2d backdrops.

  2. Where on earth did this crazy idea that d&d was a good / elegant system come from?

    I started playing early eighties, and I absolutely love it and its various iterations, my life would have been poorer without it.

    But a good system? Really folks? For its time it was fantastic, visionary I dare say thanks to Mr Gygax. But looking back, there are huge faults with the system and its offshoots especially when it was roped into video game service. Pillars is far superior and indeed more elegant. People who say otherwise really need to take their rose tinted glasses off occasionally. May even see things clearer.

    Not suggesting that Pillars is perfect, far from it, but compared to d&d, it's far better.


    Amen to that. I dare anyone to crack open the 2e DnD reprints (off which the Baldur's Gate ruleset was based) and have a read. The game is nigh unplayable by modern standards (as is Baldur's Gate - go on, burn me at the stake).


    If anything, Pillars is still too much like DnD, IMO.

    With that said, it is "infinitely" (DYSWIDT?) better and nicer to play than BG. So... progress!

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  3. How do people feel about the fact the game has stuck to a vancian magic system?


    I know personally I played most of the Infinity Engine games from when Baldur's Gate came out onwards, and the vancian magic that is so central to the D&D ruleset always bugged me to no end. It just seemed to always result in resting for no other reason than to replenish spells, and for mages to end up suddenly and pointlessly useless until your next rest.


    More importantly, a vancian system just doesn't sit well with me as a concept. Just personal preference I guess.


    I would have much preferred spells to use endurance or maybe a magic point pool that spills over to endurance if it's exceeded.


    How do other people feel about this fairly central design decision, given that we have let go of the D&D ruleset?

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