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About extracheesy

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I think that Kotor I feels more like Star Wars universe somehow? Kotor II doesn't make me beleive in the story line. When i'm playing Kotor II, I'm not as involved in the story as Kotor I. but i don't know why that is. Wat do u guys think? :cool:
  2. Thanx a lot man!!! Good luck playing!
  3. Thanx but where did u donwload it, and does anyone else have anyother idea how to solve this? i downloaded ATI 5.2 do i need 4.2 to play? how come it only lags around Dantoonie?
  4. U r da best...we'll be waiting!
  5. Gracias everyone for replying (w00t)
  6. I think you have to do more quest to get Goto's attention, when you attract enough attention Viquis will call u up and set a trap for you in the posionous bar thing...so do more quest!!
  7. Hey!!! I have the same problem, i played every planet except Korriban. i think there is a bug there somewhere.. we might have to wait for the patch, if it can fix our problem...
  8. How do I get a sponsor for the pilot? You'll have to wait till you destroyed G0t0's yacht, then you can talk to Fassa in the dock and ask him to hire the guy as a pilot. How do I "deal with the guards" so the woman can escape to her husband. You'll have to talk to the exchange boss in the refuge sector and kill them all. Can I fix the swoop robot without getting dark points? This one i don't know...somebody answer this About that strange signal... the scientist is dead and the droid escaped. What now?! You've already completed the mission, no need to worry about this one.
  9. So does anyone have the cheats yet? Cheats are good...don't argue with me lol anyway thanx for replying.
  10. If you really want to play, u can disable the movie at config, this will allow you to play the game but with no movies. maybe the problem is our ATI cards. Well here is my suggestion, i don't wanna play without movie so i'll be waiting for the patch.
  11. boooo.... I install the game and it was good, so I started playing but then right after the Star Wars intro, the game just stopped. I could hear the music but my monitor was black and i could do NOTHING. so i set my config to "no movies" and it worked but still i want to be able to see movies....maybe it's because i have an ATI 9550 pro...Is that the problem, anyone else has this problem?
  12. Did Ebon Hawk change at all? How about when your party members are in, are they all just stand there like Kotor1? Anything different?
  13. Hey guys, is the prima guide out yet? i though it'll come out around December 21, where did u guys buy it?
  14. Hey, fellow fans there is some good parts about kotor2 here: http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/679/679264/vids_1.html. Can't wait till february!! Though i have x-box i'm still not gonna buy the x-box version!!!
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