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Everything posted by BustinJay

  1. Huh. Seems like the dungeon will be the very last upgrade to my stronghold then, just for completion's sake.
  2. Actually, I like the concept of being able to dual wield pistols. Yes, you need two hands to reload, but there's also such a thing as a holster. You could have them in a chest rig if you really didn't care about the safety of others, or just at your sides. The animation would show them aiming and firing them one at a time, since they would of course be impractical to fire at the same time. I think this would add an interesting gameplay element, since now there's a new tradeoff. Using two pistols means you get two powerful ranged attacks in quick succession, but the reload time is very long. Firing them with one hand is perfectly doable, assuming you aren't firing ridiculous hand cannons, and combat encounters take place well within a reasonable range to be accurate while using such a method. It's really not as impractical as it sounds. Dual wielding pistols is only impractical in modern times since we have detachable and quick changing magazines that hold 17+ self contained rounds, as opposed to a flintlock or caplock that holds 1 or 2 (sometimes more, but not by much) internally and the charge has to be manually loaded. We no longer need to make any tradeoffs to have multiple quick shots while sacrificing accuracy and recoil stability. Having those two quick shots would be great if you lived in a time where that was all the current technology allowed.
  3. Out of nowhere my map has this very strange texture on it: http://i.imgur.com/3IWC87n.jpg And the texture changes if you hover over a place of interest on the map: http://i.imgur.com/iNVu2Rw.jpg I know I checked the map and it was fine the last time I quit, then I load up the game and this is occurring. It happens with any save file I load. Restarting the game reloading the save does nothing I have tried verifying my files with Steam and all files validated successfully. Here are the other instances I've found of other people reporting the same issue with the map glitched in the same way: https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/37vvzx/anyone_else_have_this_map_bug/ https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/75699-map-texture-overlay-bug/ https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/75702-map-graphical-glitch-for-every-map/ (this one has three separate users who encountered it) This person had it as well, but theirs went away: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76359-bugglitch-pink-character-shadingbuggy-map/ This seems to have been around since April, so it has at least managed to linger through all updates since then. This bug is really annoying because I can't use my map, and I don't want to keep playing in case the bug doesn't disappear. Here's the output log: output_log.txt And here's the Dropbox link to the saved game file, since it was too big to attach: https://www.dropbox.com/s/13ha0engu7il5dt/Pillars%20of%20Eternity%20Saved%20Game%20File.zip?dl=0
  4. Just a small bug, I couldn't find anywhere more fitting to post it. The hammer and chisel from Cilant Lis doesn't get consumed when you use it to break down the wall. I didn't even know that these kinds of items were one use only until a loading screen tip told me. I'm sure that I'm holding the same ones since I haven't purchased any, and I don't think I could have found any others since I've had them in my inventory and am not far in the game. Thankfully I was able to drop them in a container, since it really bothers me to have glitched items I shouldn't have. It's not a big deal really, but I think it still matters and wanted to report it. Steps to reproduce the issue: Retrieve the hammer and chisel from the campsite within Cilant Lis. Use it to break down the wall. The tools should still be there in your inventory. Note: The bug may depend on whether the item is in your inventory or the stash.
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