I don't really know how to describe this problem. I was doing a Quest with Erylium as the villain. He spawns, I select the other character at the location to fight the spawn with him, that choice is ignored and the original character fights the spawn. He gets whomped, discards all his items. Now the real trouble begins...
I roll the Wisdom to get teleported, I fail, and the map pops up. I select the only other location available (temp closed). I am asked to roll the wisdom check again, succeed and the Elyium just sits on the map. It gets worse... After trying to hop in and out of the game and vault, the bug keeps happening. Fine... I forfeit the game so I can at least keep playing. New game, first fight is a henchmen. I'm asked to select someone to fight a skeleton (got that wildcard). Erylium pops up! (he is not in this scenario!) and I stuck at the map screen once again...