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About Whisperblade

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Since I didn't want to revive a dead post or link to a blocked one. I'd just like to post that having finished the first of two weeks of production (tues, wens, thurs, fri, sat ). I'd just write in to all those who viewed the other posts. (I no longer play KOTOR2 so I haven't been around :"> ). SO! While my role is nothing special, there have been a few times that where.... Well easy to remember, the most notable being on the 31st of march: The show is going VERY well, so at times we have to go back for two curtain calls. No problem. Except on Friday. One of the major cast members had already started undressing when we decided to do another curtain call. So the entire cast bolts onto the stage along with this particular cast member.... Completely lacking in the pants department. :D Thanks again for following my little E/N story.
  2. I will.
  3. Well when the train hits it could be everything else. EDIT:Thanks again For your Kindness I decided to show you a picture of one of my good freinds, his name is Mario. Mario
  4. Ahhh, wrong character, the script I was given was not (nessacerly the character I was getting).
  5. I figured it out. In box, corpse whatever "Random at load of map" given from dialouge Random at given point. so if you talk to some one and they give you, say, a short lighsaber, then you can reload IN THE SAME MAP, and talk to them again and you get a different reward. (In this case a differnent saber.)
  6. 3rd production with them, 4th overall, 2nd one I had to die in, all of them I've been hurt in. (I'm rather short so I get all the kid/death rolls). Thanks all. First rehersal Sun 1pm
  7. I won't link to the original post as it was locked and I respect the board. HINT:"I just did an Audition" is it's title. But just so I don't PM everybody again. I GOT IN YAY. Possibly the smallest roll in the play but YAY!!. For those who know the play I got Wolla or Golla, who gets hit by a train. BYE!
  8. Perth Australia, just behind Mojo's you'll have to continuosly click upwards over Mojos to get mine.
  9. The reason I'm posting this is mainly because of the auditon piece I was given, It was actually a callback, so I have a higher chance of getting in. Background. I'm with the WAustralia youth theartre co. This may/will be my 3rd producition with them. I'm 15 (16 this year) Now get this the girl I was paired with was 12/13, nothing wrong with that until you read the piece. Midly explicit, do not read if you are adverse to the realitys of life Auditon Piece Comments and I'll tell you what happend. EDIT: Overtaken by a thread about haircolor and what foods people are eatting, how sad.
  10. Someone get battlewookie this looks tough. No idea. Possibly the devs at OE couldn't see into the future hence couldn't see the fact that there would be a SB Audigy platinum, and hence didn't design for one.
  11. And discovering the 2000 other major game stopping glitches within this game. You are going to love Battlewookie by the end of your first playthrough kid.
  12. Hey, Loaded up KOTOR1 Because I was tired of KOTOR2 (played all day,) And Woah, my frame rate was a good 40% higher. I thought it was one of my graphical options but No, they're the same on both. Can someone explain this? Prehaps tell me how to up my FPS? I already have the Disablevertexobjects (sp)=1 line in my SWKOTOR2.ini (and SWKOTOR.ini. PLEASE TELL ME WHY?!
  13. Same source. "Stick your staff in there Dean, and wiggle it about"
  14. I turned him in my second game no worries. Mainly on Naa Shaddaa
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