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About Bidj

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I tested yesterday and you can't. I would gladly have sacrificed the Devil - karma ! Obsidian plz ยง
  2. Thank you for the update on this. I suppose you can't give us an ETA / estimate for the patch ?
  3. I bound St Ydems Redeemer to Eder and was at 450+/500 damage done to spirits and now it's unbound and if I bind it again, the progress is back at 0. I will try to upload a save if a have the courage to launch the game again (but I have already lost several hours with the different bugs plaguing the game like the items disappearing - doing the same content and fights several time isn't my definition of fun).
  4. What classes can bind this weapon ? (if it's a soulbound weapon like the others).
  5. I have the same bug. The 2H Soulbound Sword I just looted (in accordance with what Kribber22 found) disappeared after changing zones. Save files before and after : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p0tc3kkbs2r35nz/AABjaCr6Qjql51AL_4VvlM56a?dl=0
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