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Posts posted by Archaven

  1. Note that there are still other advantages -- such as the fact that the Imbues work with Driving Flight and can take advantage of bouncing weapons like Watershaper's focus. I think the sub-class will be fine once the scaling issue is fixed (which it sounds like it should be).

    Shouldn't that be intended? Otherwise what's the point of driving flight?

  2. RTwP has better weight in % chance, proc rate and attack speed. TB can only mimic by having more actions per turn. Unless it has something like 6 hit per turn which can greatly increase the proc chance mechanics. But that doesn't make sense and mostly game breaking to have so many attacks per turn. Even it's an active skill.


    Also, you have so many skills, abilities, consumables and you often having only 1 or few actions per turn. It limits down to casting the best actions per turn. Very restrictive compared to RTwP. And that's not so tactical IMO.

    • Like 2
  3. I posted this like ten times already but here you go:







    Bonus points if you use the Stalking Cloak because it stuns when you are invisible - and you are indeed invisible during the duration of WotWind.


    And if you combine it with Resonant Touch.


    No need for the lately omnipresent Herald.


    this is clearly overpowered and needs nerf and not intended. deadfire supposed to be most balanced game intended by obsidian :)

  4. Would this build still work if I changed the Fury to a Lifegiver? It seems that losing only one power level is not that terrible, in exchange for some excellent support spells. I am in desperate need of support in my party, you see. But, I don't want to give up my precious Fate Testarossa build... it is.. precious to me.

    If not mistaken you will lose +1 PEN. Also deltro cage has been further nerfed if not mistaken. Charge now is active instead of passive?


    Not sure also.. if soulbound allowed to be upgraded to legendary or not in latest 4.0 patch.

  5. It is def. the main campaign. It is rather short - but you want players who do crit path only to be able to finish the game. This results in each of the crit path quests giving a lot of XP.


    If you avoid the crit path as much as possible you will not level up as quickly. I mean still quick enough... ;)

    That's why. I complete alot of side quests before even attempt hasongo. It's like 90% of them

    • Like 1
  6. I feel the same. But of course reaching level 20 very early can feel a bit weird. But since there's so much optional content it's hard to do it right for everybody. A game option would be nice. But there isn't and mods can get rid of that problem quickly and with no hassle - so I understand that this problem ranks very low on their priority list.


    not sure if it's just me.. i did the main path quite late. possibly the problem is the main campaign?


    i'm not sure how they balance the xp gain for people who just want to do the main path for the story (with minimal or no side quest)?. by just doing the main quest and if they are not rewarding proper XP when you reach certain stage in the game and your level remains low, it's possible you won't be able to beat the game without achieving X level.  it's basically forcing people who just want to do the main quest to do the side content to level their XP gain.


    this is understandable if they were basically designing story mode where you can kill end game bosses at level 5 for example.

  7. I thought their Accuracy bonus would be smaller. +16 indeed ends up being pretty high.


    I still wouldn’t choose Arcane Archer over Sharpshooter, a Wizard, or a Sharpshooter/Wizard. Being pigeonholed into a very few weapons or specific multiclass combinations to avoid a penalty doesn’t sit right with me. Appreciate that YMMV.


    unfortunately this is how poe2 subclasses were designed in my opinion. the 55 combinations and "infinite" combinations adding the subclass possibly just gimmicks. it's more like a puzzle or trap. only certain combinations are viable or better. some combination of subclasses can become quite subpar depending on the combination.  but maybe is really impossible to design a game where any multi-class combination are DPS viable? if that's the case each class should have one or two DPS skills.

  8. I have no problems with the xp gain. In fact I like it. Since there's already a mod for it I hope other people who don't share your beliefs suffer the same fate.


    The same group of people here whining about the figurine charges. And I completed potd upscaled without even using it.


    So some kids can't control themselves on consuming McDonalds and these parents forcing down the government to take down these fast food outlets. Ffa

  9. Thaks for testing.


    I tried a Monk/Arcane Archer and Enduring Dance works just fine for the imbue spells. But that was to be expected since it's an universal ACC buff. Same with Thunderous Blows: gives your spells +2 PEN which is nice.

    MIG helps the imbue spells? May go with a helwalker/arcane archer.


    Also is there an ETA on 4.0?

  10. Well so far this subclass has by far the worst wound generation of any monk, think I'll give it a pass for now unless someone posts some mindblowing synergy.

    Same for me. I find most of obsidian subclass design really subpar. Often the penalty trumps the benefits ten fold.


    If modding couky be easier the community probably do a much better job and far more competent

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