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Everything posted by Nyro

  1. I am level 4 and lost Durance. Really got my rear kicked so I am wondering if I should level more before doing it or what?
  2. So I have owned the game for a couple of days or so and clocked 14.4 hours already according to steam and I must say I am loving this game. I didn't think I would like this kind of game but it is absolutely addicting and I find myself enthralled in the lore and story of it all. I literally had to make myself stop playing yesterday. I look forward to many playthroughs on Pillars of Eternity and I hope to find other games similar to it also.
  3. Ok so what about stats for healers? If I build a character around party support/healing what stats should I look for. Also ty for the help.
  4. Sorry I am new and was wondering if anyone can give me some generalized insight on stats/attributes I should look for on gear for different classes? I am new to this kind of game and although I do try and read all of the descriptions it is a lot to take in at once lol. For instance my player character is a Fighter and it is my intention to lead the charge with him so what kind of attributes and stuff should I look for on his gear? Also should I focus mostly on athletics when he levels up?
  5. Are priests the only healing class?
  6. Like...why does Durance start with so many spells? I just met him and it is driving me nuts going through his spell selection in combat. He seems to be a little more complicated then Aloth the wizard. lol. Going to have to get used to him I guess.
  7. No, you can play at your own pace. Skip a quest and go back to it later which in some cases is a good idea. Thank you . This forum is A LOT more helpful then steam forums for questions lol.
  8. Does this game have a time limit?
  9. Although I wouldn't touch any game's multiplayer with a ten foot pole, I'm still curious as to how you think it could *ruin* the game rather than benefit from it? I agree with you, mind but I'd still like to know. Well, with story driven content, from MY personal experience in games where you can make moral and or dialogue choices that effect the outcome multiplayer usually does 1 of 2 things to these types of *choices* you can make in games..... 1. Forces you to receive an outcome that did not match your character by being "outvoted" on that outcome by your team mates. (A LOT of mmos with choice/moral options have this issue) or 2. You pretty much are just partying up to grind. Which can damage your own personal experience with a game in many ways such as: *If you like to RP and you get stuck with people that do not want to. *If you have a slower or faster gameplay pace then others in your group forcing you to either slow down or go faster then you want through content which can ruin your own personal experience with the game Or simply you may be one of those people ( like me) that want to see everything a game has to offer and maybe your group members do not because they have already beaten the game multiple times or are just interested in loot. Of course there are many more reasons but those are my major concerns with multiplayer RPGs of any kind. These things can be done right however but very few developers get them right. **** Question: My wizard keeps getting targeted and taken out of fights early. I have defensive on my fighters but he still gets targeted by tyese darn shadows in the temple. Is there anything I could be doing to help him last longer in my fights? I have not had a complete party wipe yet but he gets knocked out A LOT?
  10. I may end up needing to up the difficulty we shall see. The only thing I do not like is that I wished it had a party based multiplayer system lol, but at the same time that would probably ruin the game. I can socialize on the forums
  11. Yeah, I thought I would do a playthrough on easy to get my bearings and then I would have some basic knowledge of the game and be able to focus more on perfecting everything.
  12. My player character is a Fighter. I had to get some rest last night but I plan on playing a ton today.
  13. I have only done the first quest so far but I like the pace so far. I am playing with tips as I have never played a game like this before. However the reading does not bother me, it makes the experience even more rewarding. I love a good story.
  14. Thank you for the input. Are they taking orders already for the expansions in case I decided to purchase it also?
  15. I grew up on ARPGs such as Diablo and Diablo 2 and have pretty much stuck to that genre my whole life....but with ARPGs getting rather stale lately I decided to try something different. I knew of Baldur's Gate growing up but my cousin suggested Pillars of Eternity. Is there any basic tips you can give someone who has Never played a game like this before?
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