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Everything posted by PAAC

  1. No problem Let me know if I need to collect any additional info if it ever occurs again.
  2. During my fight with "The master below" (not one of the smartest things I did in PoE), all of a sudden he and his minions just "stopped battling"... Here are two savegames (before and after) and a log-file and here is a video which shows what happens. After this, combat did not end untill I killed all enemies which were below there as well. Edit: I re-loaded the oldest of the two savegames which I've send and it appears that enemies do not attack me... (So it is not a matter of a simple re-load) Combat does start, enemy casters do cast benificial effects on allies, but do not appear to attack. Here is another video of the situation. Edit 2: Restarting the game seems to have solved this.
  3. Which dialog options are available when you talk to her?
  4. Technically that message does not tell me it's completed, but that a new one is available(this is where my confusion started). So I loaded the save game again, re-did everything, looked in the "Stronghold - Status" and found out what's happening. Apparently I get a 2nd adventure while the other one is running, but since I turned in lots of bounties the running one is resolved at the time making it look like it gets reset. Thanks for your patience in solving my non-existent "bug". (somehow kind of glad that the one from this thread (probably) is one, so that I'm not wasting your time).
  5. All files are available here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80636-wrong-button-label-in-the-stronghold-actions-section/?p=1711611 Edit: I think I just found out how "turns" work in the stronghold, so what I thought that was a bug might not be one... Sorry for any inconvenience, if my thoughts of this being a bug is wrong... Edit 2: What I did miss is a noticifation that I had finished my adventure...
  6. No problem, you did a great job with Pillars and this is just something minor I've uploaded a video here showing both issues. Here is the link for the save game. And here is the link for the log file. Both files can be used for both posts. The posts are seperate because I found one right after the other...
  7. Which I apparently forgot to upload... Will do this when I'm back from work
  8. So right after my previous post I went to turn in some bounties and see if there were new ones. After that I noticed that I also had another major adventure, so I went and took a look at my "Stronghold - Actions" section again. Unfortunatly it turned out that my currently running adventure was cancelled and got replaced by a new one. On the attached screenshot it can be seen that the adventure rewards have been changed, remaining time is 3 turns and the visitor will be leaving in 1 hours... (I also could've assigned another character to do the adventure) I also have a save-game available it neccesary.
  9. Hi, Today I was reviewing my current stronghold actions and I noticed that my "Major Adventure" in the "Stronghold - Actions" section did not have a recall button, but an assign button(see attached screenshot). Wondering if I could assign 2 members, I clicked it causing it to disappear and be cancelled... After a re-load the label was "Recall" as usual. So I tested a restart of the game and the label was back at "Assign". Well, off adventuring again.
  10. I'm new to PoE as well and what's helping me is reading the "Cyclopedia" in my journal.
  11. I was just on my way to confirm my initial thougths. Thanks for the response, will be waiting for it
  12. I've started out yesterday and found the same issue with the Lorem Ipsum text at the Memorials in the Wooden Plains. After trying some more, I found that the initial text isn't always the text which should be displayed. The title is the Memorial which is selected and the memorial shown is the one which is last selected. My best guess (at the moment) is that the Lorem Ipsum text is displayed only when you activate the Memorial and after that it will display the last selected text when reading them.
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