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Posts posted by Skywalker

  1. I could see K3 being more about the stability of the Republic more than anything. We won't have to worry much about Revan or the Exile then since they're out of the picture in the Unknown Regions. Perhaps after the Exile went after Revan she left everything behind as well, including T3-M4, who ends up being placed in the hands of several owners and droid dealers. Eventually a Republic Senator buys it (who you can name).


    My next thought is more of a side note. As for HK-47, stick him on Mustafar. 1) For a reason (or excuse) as to how he winds up there 4000 years later. 2) He could begin generating copies of himself there as a part of Revan's grand strategy.

    i think bastila should get t3m4 back

  2. I could see K3 being more about the stability of the Republic more than anything. We won't have to worry much about Revan or the Exile then since they're out of the picture in the Unknown Regions. Perhaps after the Exile went after Revan she left everything behind as well, including T3-M4, who ends up being placed in the hands of several owners and droid dealers. Eventually a Republic Senator buys it (who you can name).


    My next thought is more of a side note. As for HK-47, stick him on Mustafar. 1) For a reason (or excuse) as to how he winds up there 4000 years later. 2) He could begin generating copies of himself there as a part of Revan's grand strategy.


  3. I know that Revan went there alone, but who is not to say that Revan already had gathered some forces before he lost memory in KotOR1. Exile could also come with the gathered Mandalorians as reinforcement to those.

    If Revan gathered some forces it would make sense that he gathered the forces he trusts, like his former companions. Okay, maybe I get a little bit ahead of things but I guess it's not the thing people are going to look for. Find Revan and the Exile with an army of soldiers.


    Revan was worried about a threat that he would need the republic forces for, but I don't think he would be willing to place all his eggs in the one basked, so he probably started to make forces already with the Starforge and make alliances/conquered worlds outside the republic to be sure. When he came back and started to lead those forces toward the enemy they were made to defeat I don't think people cared that much that he had changed clothing style (gone LS and skipped the black outfit).


    He did place his former companions to strengthen the republic in case he failed, which also shows that he was a strategic that wanted to make continuency plans, and he would be in need of more forces. That was nothing he was willing to trust to chance and weak politicians, so he left his companions to that task.


    He might even have predicted that the exile would be reached, and therefore hoped that the exile would take control of those forces for him in case he failed. That the exile would come with the mandalorians would boster his forces and he might think that together with his own they would make it and defeat the true sith lords.

    thats quite an interesting theory...

  4. hows about hk47 and t3m4 are continued and then some new planets like correcent


    The nice part with droids is that it just take a memorywipe and they are lvl 1 again, so they are always easy to have along and level up all again.


    Think HK47 need some more witty replies in KotOR3 though. He seamed a bit rusty at being properly sarcastic and viscious like he was in KotOR1. ;)

    yeah but it was really funny to put the 5th hk part in him

  5. Oh bother, noticed that this last thread was 46 sides long. Dont realy have time to read it all though right now.



    Idea for KotOR3:


    First make it cannon that both Raven and exile went LS and joined up to fight the true Sith to make things easier.


    Then we let the game begin with that Raven tells one of Exils new students that shows great promis to board his ship with his two droids and wait for further instructions while he and the exile leads his forces into battle with the true Sith.


    Followed by a cutscene with a great battle where Ravens forces bearly breakes through the Sith forces with great losses.


    New cutscene where Raven and Exile cut through the Sith forces in lightsabre combat while using powerfull Force powers untill they meet up with the new badass bosses that defeat them, and with their last strenght Raven and Exile deliver a message to the student. To defeat the Sithlord will take a force focuspoint that Raven heard of in some of the old teaching but never had time to find before the new war with the Sith, and order the student to find one of these. And then endowns him with some force strength to help him (exiles forcebond allowed this and gives that extra bonus that the main character has had in both earlier games).


    The student now has to choose if he want to follow the lead to a darkside or lightside force focuspoint. Unlike Raven the student now has some time to track down one of these while Sith gather their forces after the battle with Raven.


    At first planet he goes to his ship is shot down by pirates and both droids are severly damaged and have to be repaired (hence no highlevel droids when repaired since most memory modules was destroyed). He now starts on a planet forced to find a way to repair the droids and his ship.


    Game starts....

    Do you mean Revan?

  6. The Rancor in the sewers

    Easy to kill. Lay a few mines for the trap then use Mission as the bait. Dead.




    Not an obstacle.


    The Albino Kath Hound

    Beat it with a lightsaber and frag grenades. Not a challenge.


    The krayt dragon


    I didn't kill it. The hunter did.


    The monster firaxa shark


    Didn't fight it either. Poisoned it.


    The two Terentataks in Naga Sadows tomb


    Lightsabers and force powers. Killed both at the same time.


    The energy pillars in Naga Sadows tomb


    Not a critter.


    The Droids on the Star Forge


    Made my own droids and wat ched the fun.


    Darth Malak


    Life drained his pods then spammed thermal detonators. Not much thought required.

    Toooooooo true.

  7. K1 I think had more puzzle challenges than K2 did.  I liked them and would like to see more of them in K3.  If it's made.

    KOTOR II had some puzzles, like the door lock in the warehouse, but for the most part, there was nothing to do besides the quests. KOTOR I had a ok amount of challenges, but could have used more. So, it would be great to have plenty to stuff to be challenged about in KOTOR III.

  8. Would be quiet difficult to have Carth in your party.

    I mean, you won't survive a lightsaber slash if Revan was a DS Female, it's a possibility you know.

    Other almost impossible party members are:





    Visas Marr






    Yeah, for the sake of the developers... Playable characters should probably limited to characters that lived in any situation(LS/DS)... Just to be safe though, a brand new cast. =)

    but Carth could be a constant, he's been in every one so far

  9. Would be quiet difficult to have Carth in your party.

    I mean, you won't survive a lightsaber slash if Revan was a DS Female, it's a possibility you know.

    Other almost impossible party members are:





    Visas Marr




    you said it you self ALMOST impossible, and Jolee would be nice even just as a npc because of his wit, but yes hard to do, but not impossible oh and yes about revan as a ds female, i do know, but it all depends on your feats...

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