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Posts posted by Skywalker

  1. You know I read somewhere about this very good idea regarding the influence system. I've heard complaints from people (especially darksiders like myself) on how it's annoying that with some characters that the only way to gain influence with them is to be nice to them (which means you get LS Points). How about this, I'll use a dialogue example...


    Bao-Dur: I... am sorry, General. I must have lost consciousness in the crash.



    -  There is nothing to apologize for. Are you sure you're okay?

    -  I have no use for a soldier who falls at the first sign  of combat. Be on your guard in the future.

    -  We could have used you earlier when we were ambushed. Do  not fail me again.

    -  (Lie) There is nothing to apologize for. Are you sure you're okay?


    You see, by choosing the option to lie to Bao-Dur you've made Bao-Dur beleive that you have forgiven him and you actually are concerned about him but in actual fact you lied, you are pissed at Bao-Dur and you don't give a damn about him, you've just pretended to, to gain influence with him. You'd gain DS Points for something like this but you'd gain influence with Bao-Dur for making him think that you care about him. What do you guys think?

    sure, why not

  2. Leadership is actually a feat, not a skill, in the d20 System.  Skills that could work well would be breaking Persuade down to what they are supposed to be:  Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate.  Astrogate would be a fun/  If you fail your Astrogate roll you end up somewhere else, could severely damage the hyperdrive, or something like that.  Also I think they should have timed events and using the rules for travel time in Hyperspace should have a huge factor.  Balance, Tumble, Sleight of Hand would be good for a scoundrel. 


    Stuff that are basic in the Star Wars d20 game.


    Personaly I like it that they condensed down the skills a bit. It makes the game less number crunshing, then when you have way to many skill and have to sit and balance them against each other for a long time at each lvl, when you are to place out skills.


    Bluff/diplomacy/intimidate is under persuasion in KotOR


    They could add in a few more skills though:




    Streetwise=Appraise/gather information/streetwise

    survival=handle animals/ride/survival


    Slight of hand should probably be under stealth though

    hey but appraise can come in handy with all the junk you get out the lockers and all

  3. Leadership is actually a feat, not a skill, in the d20 System.  Skills that could work well would be breaking Persuade down to what they are supposed to be:  Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate.  Astrogate would be a fun/  If you fail your Astrogate roll you end up somewhere else, could severely damage the hyperdrive, or something like that.  Also I think they should have timed events and using the rules for travel time in Hyperspace should have a huge factor.  Balance, Tumble, Sleight of Hand would be good for a scoundrel. 


    Stuff that are basic in the Star Wars d20 game.

    so, you are trying to incorperate dnd skills into star wars as well as some feasible star warsy skills

  4. PNJ uses the Unreal engine and is not a sequel.  Feargus stated if they were going to do a KotOR 3 they would use the NWN 2 engine.  It would make sense to move the majority of the NWN 2 people to KotOR 3 if that is the case.  The PNJ crew would probably be made up by some of the people they have already working on it and do some new hires if needed.  I can see Chris A. moving from NWN 2 to KotOR 3 while J.E. Sawyer leading the team on PNJ.


    If I was Feargus that is how I would handle it.

    excuse my ignorence, but what the hell is PNJ?

  5. Do you really need companions anyway? You always end up alone - your PC vs. the Dark Lord/End Boss. It's not an anime - the whole friend/love/bonds don't really have to apply. In the end, you're always alone...


    Speaking of which, anyone up for renaming the Kotor series to "Angst of the Old Republic: Sexual Repression of Adolescence" ?

    if you remember kotor 2, you would been in the exchanges hand cause kreia wouln't have woken you up, and the hk50 droid you have taken you and on and on and on it goes

  6. Well,you've seen what female privates are like ( :lol: ).Imagine a female general,especially during her period...


    Ah, that explains Malicore..... o:)"


    The real reason why female Revan turned to the Dark Side and waged war on the republic perhaps?




    Seriously, in K3, I want to decide who dies. Properly dies. I want to see my own party characters cut down and stay down. I want to have the choice to execute them. I don't care if Jedi don't kill their prisoners - I want the option to duel my NPCs and kill them. And to see my own PC die. Properly die. Dead. None of this charge into combat, get knocked over and get back up again crap.

    and be totally screwed when you get to a side quest where you have to have them sure why not

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