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About Metopholus

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    The Unknown Regions
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  1. Went back to Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Pretty fun despite a frustrating checkpoint system.
  2. I have KoTOR for Android and it works great. Can't wait for this! Sign me up.
  3. Shoehorning Revan and the Exile into a mmo that had little to nothing to do with the games they came from was silly to me. I blame the novel "Revan" personally. It threw them both under the bus. And just so the two could show up in a medicore mmo that has went free to play. KoTOR 2 is where it ends for me.
  4. The hell are you on about now? I was responding to 213374U's point about Kreia, which was related to the main topic. The more I read from you, the more you weird me out. I'm done responding to you after this. you are stopping? thank goodness. regardless, you started off-topic in your reply to Gromnir, not numbers. "Did you save the day in the original? Doesn't matter here. The Jedi all but die out in FIVE years. And suddenly we have multiple Sith Lords running about that come out of thin air." again, such stuff does not in any way show a ls/ds preference by the obsidian writers. sudden feeling the need to revisit a dead issue from a game released in 2004 & complete mischaracterizing your concern? now that is weird. HA! Good Fun! Are you a foreign language person? I swear I need a translator to understand your lingo. I've read your earlier posts. You said it was a dead subject. And that you can't explain things better than you already have.....yet you keep responding.... And now you're quoting one of my responses. Why? If it's so old shouldn't you be beyond this by now? I stand by my point as I'm sure you do yours. Nothing I did in the original mattered in TSL. How does the light side ending lead into the sequal smoothly? It doesn't for ME. I'm not the center of the universe so maybe I don't matter.
  5. Players typically don't enjoy feeling like they're having their choices stepped on. TSL seemed an odd choice to follow up KoTOR 1 with. I ended up feeling like nothing I did mattered in that game. It devalued my experience. My problem don't stem from a lack of understanding on themes or plot. I've had over a decade to decipher things. My problem is they more or less throw KoTOR 1 under the bus.
  6. The issue the OP is getting at is the premise of TSL favors dark side Revan. LS players can easily feel like that version of Revan was almost glossed over. Did you save the day in the original? Doesn't matter here. The Jedi all but die out in FIVE years. And suddenly we have multiple Sith Lords running about that come out of thin air. The premise just makes more sense from a DS Revan ending. LS players feel like they accomplished nothing in the big picture.
  7. Well I can scarcely find Grey Jedi robes at level 30+. Then once I found them on the mining level that starts the game.....seriously. This random system makes planning impossible.
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