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Everything posted by Kel27

  1. Thanks for investigating this for us. I took some extreme measures to fix this issue - I backed up my machine and used internet recovery to revert to yosemite.
  2. Thanks for the reply. Forgot to say I'm using a late 2012 iMac with a Nvidia Geforce GT 640M. Just an update : I have searched the internet and found alot of other osx users with black screen issues. I tried some of their suggested fixes and found loading the game up not throught steam but going to the PoE folder in steamapps/common works fine. Fingers crossed.
  3. So I (foolishly) installed El Capitain the other night only to discover that it has broken PoE. When I launch the game all I get is a black screen with the menu music. The game does work if I use CMD+F to switch to windowed mode, but there is also a noticable fps drop since installing El Capitain (so much for Metal). Switching back to full screen makes the game screen freeze (music still plays normally). Anyone running 10.11 without any issues? I'm considering reverting to Yosemite.
  4. Running on a late 2012 iMac 10.10.3 with over 100 hours played, the only problem I have encountered is an fps drop in some heavily populated areas. Not had any crashes/save games going missing etc the game has been rock solid for me. Although I don't notice cloaks not showing, it would be nice to have them at some point.
  5. PoE runs great on my 2012 iMac. I have experienced bugs just like users on the other operating systems but yet to have a crash or fps issues with over 100 hours played. I guess you must just be unlucky.
  6. I am having this issue too on OSX 10.10.3 . Click Launch on Steam - PoE icon appears in the dock for about half a second and then disappears - the game doesn't launch at all. What I did find interesting is my PoE icon on the desktop is greyed out as if it doesn't know where the game files are anymore.
  7. Was hoping to see some sort of fix/workaround for cloaks not showing up in OS X. Looking forward to starting a new game when this patch is released however!
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