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About Raising

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. well, is a fireBUG, (sorry have to make the joke) I ve tested it in my game and its working as intended
  2. mi recomendaion of not increasing the accuracy over +15 is only for dmg, for DOTs and EFFECTS, crits are more relevant as all is calculated as +0% dmg for dots, and for effects, it have a lot of impact 5 extra sec of paralisis , prone o domination. So if your are aiming for effects go for it
  3. As you can see in the grafic the more deflection de enemy have the more extra damage you get from have +12 accuracy. The point of more interest is at accuracy - deflection = 0 where thanks to the bonus the chance of mising go almost to 0, fron that point the dmg benefit goes down pretty fast. On the other hand you can se that having more extra dmg( not base dmg) reduces the benefits of increasing the acuracy since it decrease the dmg diference betwen graze and crit. ( at +0% crit do x3 the graces dmg, at +100% it only do x1.66). So my recomendation, ensure your final accuracy is 15 points over enemy deflection, from that point invest your resources on other place as it will pay back hardly a 10% extra dmg ( ass you easily will have more than 50% extra bonus dmg). If you have a nice amount of paralisis hobbed, stun, blind and those, and buffs to event the acuracy to the (+15) you shoud stop worrying about accuracy as passed that point it decrease its impact. I haven ot scheked it but i gues that if you are not in PoTD you are probable better not using One HAnd unless against very strong enemies
  4. And considering the OP, comparing one handed vs weapon and shield Using superb smallshield as base line with the shield talent ( for both reflex and reflection bonus). Is +12 acuracy vs +26 reflex and deflection ( Pretty unfair for one handed). early: +12 acuracy vs + 18 reflex and deflection (fine small Shield) late: +12 acuracy vs + 26 reflex and deflection (superb small shield) I think there should be a better talent for one handed that scale with level, maybe something like duplicate the acuracy bonus from the weapon so it ends adding an extra plus 12 to you acuracy ( maybe 17 with spears and the like). Or it can extend the grace from 16-50 to 0-50. To make some number for the one handed talent. usually you'll have a 35% of gaze, 30% of that is turn to hit. ok, thats the equivalent ( cheking only on the gace chance) as 10'5 more acucuracy, but it dont help to conver miss to grace or hit to crits. (the more important part is the miss to grace conversion since if you have a neat bonus to damage you'll be doing nice damage anway. in a even scenario (when considering the +12 in it) with +50% dmg = DMG *(0.15 * 0 + 0.245*1 + 0.605*1.5) = 1.1525*DMG with +100% dmg = DMG *(0.15 * 0 + 0.245*1.5 + 0.605*2) = 1.5775*DMG Ok I think i'll do some extra maths using a excel, ill be back soon PD: You can look at the talent as an extra 15% dmg con graces ( 30% graces get 50% extra damage), and since your maximun grace chance is 35% it adds about 5% extra dmg overall. That is really bad for a talent
  5. Maybe the talent that give you a stance with +10 deflection 0.8X atack speed
  6. how do you achieve 135 deflection without buffs with a priest?? 16 shield + 12 upgraded +6 (shield + talent) + 5 raw talent + 10 ring + up to 30 stats(durance wont reach this) + 15 base deflection + 36 (level up) = 130, i am missing something?
  7. I have to say that im runing two moon monk tanks in PoTD and they both use only one weapon in the off hand, it act the same as in the first hand but when you use a skill that do a full atack you get both, and since im constantly geting enought wounds almost all atacks are full atacks using torment reach or stunning blow whith a great efect. im currently lvl 10 and thosse monks are doing expectacular out damagin my rogue since they dont really care about enemies atacking them. they could be tankier with a shiled ( at least 22 more at reflex and deviation) but with the heal they get from the moon pasive and the support from the cleric they dont end in the floor often.( and do a hell of damage)
  8. UOPS, i was writing the build but the page changed and I thought I lost all the writing. This is uncomplete I'll en it later
  9. Hi there people First post and i want to contribute with the build im using to clear PoTD, im using this build in pairs , with sigthly diferencences in equipment but focused in the same rol. ---Difficulty : PoTD --- Moon Divine, Monk, Front line Tank but not neglecting damage potencial( Because they are at the frontline constantly theyr dmg done stat was de same as my rogue) ---Might 14, con 14 ,dex 10,per 18, int 4 , res 18. -- Hablities until lvl 9 ( where i'm currently) --- Items: Use one handed weapon in the of hand so you keep a full atack when using skills but keep on with the +12 accuracy - Retaliate item - Build as a tank Strategy: use stun fist when not wounded else use the ----------------------------------------------------------------
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