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Posts posted by Xarastier

  1. Feels good man. Six or seven quests just in Copperlane, five shops not counting the inn. Several factions to consider, and a boatload of quests, NPCs and shops citywide. There is a solid amount of content in Gilded Vale and its environs, with Raderic's/Stronghold acting as good capstones before the player heads to DB for Act II. Dyrford has a good amount of hustle and bustle. While I haven't explored much of the side content in Act III, testimony around the forums is that that content is particularly strong. Various quests in and around the Stronghold weave a kind of non-linear content density into the game, in that the Endless Paths and bounties seem to be intended to be completed intermittently, as the player goes about other things in the game.


    If anything, sometimes content density is too high, in the case of filler combats and repetitive horde encounters. Just imagine the content density if you stopped to read every backer NPC story...

    Yea I agree.  Methinks tidehunter's analysis makes differences without distinctions.

  2. I'd add that these numbers are running around the highest of any current game - so, no, this isn't some quirk.  And it includes both the pro reviews and user reviews - the latter are typically far lower if there is a substantial unhappy user base. (Compare Dragon Age Origins with Dragon Age 2, for example,.)

    I beg to differ.  Since 2012 Chris Roberts' Star Citizen kickstarted Crowdfunder hit over an ohioastronomic $80,000,000 this month, and has yet to be a game!!  :ban:

  3. W'sup Quillon.  When an acquired item is taken either by the tab key or scouting a right click on it will not only indicate what it is but also what it does.  Did you ever right click on that "pink-purple thingy" (or place it in your inventory or stash)?  By your description of the odd color there's a good chance that it's at least an Epic item!  It may be worth your time & energy to return and get it (if you don't have to restart). :no:  

  4. In the Bell room of the Temple my character is in possession of the Initiate's Note which discloses the order of bell ringing for the three bells:  Ring the largest bell in the middle after the "second" bell is rung.  Not knowing which bell is the second one, and after many attempts of ringing each bell in different order, I get nowhere.  Will someone give me a clue?  

  5. I have played 150 hours. I like the game. I like the combat too. But It cant be called Strategic if you must take your decisions following your heart. This is mostly because the lack of attack frequency feedback. I mean, I cant know if a Fast weapon with 10-15 damage is better than a slow weapon with 20-30 damage. How slow is slow? how fast is fast? are these factors percents modifying the seconds taken in the action?, how is dexterity use here? i.e. fast is 10% faster than normal and then dexterity is applied or is dex applied before the weapon speed. It is impossible to take strategical decisions if I cant tell the DPS (Damage per second) of a weapon. This could be really easy of fix if you could see your Speed just like you see the accuracy and damage for each weapon slot.


    Now, spell speed presents a similar problem. Will my archer hit them before my Priest weak them? Who knows!


    I play a Druid, so I must decide if I use my spells or my weapons to deal damage, I cant right now because even if I have the DPS of the spells, i cant know it for my weapons. Do you think that's bad? it gets worst. I can shapechange into a Cat. Its description says: "It has a naturally fast attack". Great. No idea how fast is my cat form. (btw, in the description is not the damage or accuracy modifiers or even the duration of the skill). This means I cant know if I deal more damage in my cat form than with a weapon. Really, no idea. Somehow, I "feel" its better to shapechange when I'm in melee, but I have no numbers to back up that. Probably i'm wrong. Again, Who knows!. 


    Just to make it worst, I found an item with the description: "Wildstrike Bonus: Modifies wildstrike burn". Modifies?? How and how much? Must I keep it or it is just something like +1% damage? is it 100%? I don't know and yeah, that sucks.


    But even when the speed problem is the big one, there are more issues: Health, Endurance values are magical numbers for me. There is no place in the whole game or in the manual where they say how they are calculated or improved with leveling. Taken from the manual "but characters have much more total Health than Endurance". Much more? is that a number?? 

    I hear ya Ferrante.  You've played over 150 hrs, and "like" the game and appear to be wary & frustrated over the whims of the programmers in creating their character & combat algorithms.  Get over it!  Continue enjoying the game making do with what you have while listening to Stevie Wonder's Superstition:  "When you believe in things that you don't understand then you suffer."  Also quit taking responsibility for that which you can't control freeing yourself of that way to heavy burden. no.gif


    - Disable the traps via lighting the pillars in the adjacent room


    Of course if you want to do extreme optimization - you can leave the traps and then disable them all later when you can come back with more mechanics skill, as all traps do give some xp re

    Very interesting.   How did you discover that lighting the pillars in the adjacent trapped room would disable the traps?  Since the pillared room is a dead-end, did you light the pillars, and subsequently return to the trapped room (with the exit) to find the traps disabled?  Also, if my character was to return to the trapped room (at this point I know I lit the pillars, but don't recall whether the traps are now disabled) with sufficient mech and the traps disabled, is there a way to enable them to acquire xp?

  7. I'm in the ruins in scouting mode and discovered secrets at several signa tiles set in a luminous rectangle yet am unable to acquire any secrets when clicking on them.  I have lvl 2 mechanic skill which is apparently not enuf.  Will someone tell me what lvl of skills are required to attain these secrets?  Also the same question for climbing the walls in in the ruins of Valewood.

  8. Oops!  Everything turned out ok after I verified my email.  Btw, Ima a noob player & after 7hrs of play I luv this awesome game.  Kudos to Obsidian & "Keep on keep'n on."  Ida been a Kickstarter if I'd know earlier.  :ban:

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