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About gochargers2156

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  1. I would have to agree on this one, you can't really define a rotation that would work all the time because not everything has the same defenses, and ideally you want to use spells that target the opposition's weakest defenses. I will say that I opened with Chill Fog almost every encounter though, and I would almost be tempted to say that I think the spell itself is overpowered. I'm not 100% sure before Secrets of Rime, but late game on lower DR targets it was ticking for 15-20 damage and usually landed a blind on that same target. Blind has great offensive value for the deflection and reflex debuffs, while also having great defensive value for the accuracy debuff it gives. With high INT the fog will last for 20-25 seconds, damaging and blinding creatures the whole time, and all of that for a level 1 spell. After that I would say Essential Phantom is good against anything not highly resistant to shock damage, and makes exceptionally quick work of animats. It has 81 accuracy, which is very high, targets reflex, which for most targets will be lower than deflection, and its attack have the blast component applied to them, although its version seems to be more powerful than the wizard talent. It also has decent defenses and endurance so you can cast it between yourself and the creatures post pull and it will tank pretty effectively. A lot of it is experimentation with what works and what doesn't, but also your spell picks may not be the same as mine based on your playstyle. Sorry for rambling the main point though is that there are a myriad of effective ways to approach each encounter, and your way can and will probably be different due to how you play your wizard compared to how I play mine.
  2. I did most of the side quests available, I did not do a single bounty though. I killed Adra for the sake of upgrading to superb, though it was with Petrify so nothing special really. I gave it a few attempts before resorting to Petrify, but even with a buffed to hell Wizard I just got wrecked regardless of my DR. One thing I will say is despite almost needing to go there with a Wizard for the grimoire Noonfrost is terrible. There are issues with both the Wizard's Arcane Dampener and Paladin's Deprive the Unworthy and permanently stripping talents and passives so be careful if you go there with your saves and consistently check to see if anything is missing. The most noticeable is the loss of deep pockets since you're extra two slots will just go red. I'm not sure I would change a lot about my build and such, so much of spell picks and talent choices are personal preference. I'm sure somebody else will solo it with a much more offensive oriented build, but that's what's nice about wizard. It has a lot of flexibility in how you play it.
  3. I forgot about Bewildering Spectacle, but here is a video of the encounter in question, with some helpfulness from the confusion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14S-APkY3Eg
  4. Chill Fog and Slicken were both amazing for me, with Chill Fog being pretty much my opener for most of the game. For instance, the bear encounter can be done by opening chill fog, and then letting them mass up in it, then following up with a Slicken. Typically, the bears will be blinded by the fog, then the slicken is a hit/crit due to the reflex penalty. You can then follow up with back to back fan of flames, which do a lot of damage due to the massive Reflex penatly of blinded/prone. I specifically did that encounter with no armor to cast faster. Even if you get bad luck and the big bear isn't dead for instance, Hardened Veil will keep you up long enough to finish it off. I did get the figurine in act 1, not sure why I didn't mention it, but I didn't have it for the bear fight. For my gearing I pretty much focused on my defenses, which I believe allowed me to save spell casts overall, so I didn't have to rest as frequently. I am defensively minded overall though, I have done PotD solo with Monk, Paladin, and now Wizard, so with the Wizard I had a good idea of the incoming damage I could possibly have to live through. Though nothing can save you from Thaos's Cleansing Flame, god that is such a stupid ability. With all buffs active I had I believe 52 Fire DR and it destroyed me regardless.
  5. Hey all, just completed the game with a solo wizard on PotD difficulty and wanted to share the build. Though most of it will probably be pretty obvious. Atrributes 15 Might, 15 Dex, 18 Int, Rest 10 I suppose this is more up to personal preference, I typically just stick with a balanced stat spread. Skills 3 Athletics ASAP After that typically mix and match between Mechanics and Stealth with a priority given to Mechanics Key Spells Level 1 - Chill Fog, Fan of Flames, Slicken, Eldritch Aim Level 2 - Bewildering Spectacle, Curse of Blackened Sight, Mirrored Image, Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon, Vital Essence Level 3 - Llengrath's Displaced Image, Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, Expose Vulnerabilities Level 4 - Confusion, Essential Phantom, Minoletta's Concussive Missiles, Iron Skin Level 5 - Call to Slumber, Llengrath's Safeguard, Ninagauth's Bitter Mooring, Blast of Frost Level 6 - Gaze of the Adragan, Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar, Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst, Citzal's Martial Power High Level Grimoires - Level 6 Spells Winter's Woes (Noonfrost bookshelf, a single sorcerer patrols near it) with level 5 and level 6 Ninagauth's spells as well as Blast of Frost. It also has the level 6 spells Arcane Reflection and Piercing Burst. Willbreaker (Sky Dragon grimoire) has Arkemyr's and Gaze Minoletta's (Adra Dragon treasure horde grimoire) has Piercing Burst and Gaze. The Leaves of Essence (Od Nua 11?) has Martial Power and Death Ring. Talents Arcane Veil Hardened Veil Weapon and Shield Style Superior Deflection Secrets of Rime One-handed Style Arcane Veil and then its upgrade are what will keep you alive in the early game while you blast things with spells. A lot of times I would just drop armor all together and rely on my base deflection, with a small shield, and the veil ability to drop something within it's duration. Once you grab Mirrored Image your temporary deflection will be very high and most creatures will have a hard time landing consistent hits. I built primarily defensive, as damage isn't really an issue, and Secrets of Rime gave the most benefit to the higher level, harder hitting spells, as well as Chill Fog which is useful throughout the entire game. Gear Act 1 Plate Armor (Backer to the right of Temple) Fine Sword on first level of temple until you get Gaun's Share (there is a hidden cache on a drake skeleton in Black Marsh with Primal Flames, this allows you to give it burning lash immediately) Blunting Belt (Blacksmith, buy after quest) Minor Ring of Deflection (Bear quest) Cloak/Ring of Minor Protection (Cloak in Cilant Lis, Ring random?) Act 2 Oaken Scarab Figurine (Hidden by the little middle group in Copperlane) Iridescent Scarabe Figurine (Heritage Hill, Valtas Tomb) Obsidian Lamp Figurine (Vailian Embassy in First Fires) Ring of Deflection and Ring of Protection (Merchant in Copperlane) Rotfinger Gloves (Cartugo in Ondra's Gift) [Massively important, used as the main way to debuff higher defense enemies, also your Essential Phantom has access to the casts from the gloves] Sura's Supper Plate (Locked door in the right section, first floor of Cliaban Rilag) Finreah's Grace (Doemenel Merchant on second floor) Lilith's Shawl (Top Floor of the lighthouse) Boots of the Long March (Far right in Dyrford Crossing, guarded by a pack of Pwgra, Menpwgra, and Forest Lurkers) Sanguine Plate (Vailan Embassy Task, The Forgotten) Act 3 Blesca's Labor (Merchant in Hearthsong) Purgatory (Archdruid in Blood Sands) Cladhaliath (Lle a Rhemen) [Important] the only way I could get this item was by intentionally leaving a single mob or any amount you can safely not die to alive, then once you acquire the materials and answer the questions, lure that creature/creatures in the room and use figurine summons to stand on the floor icons, then just run up the steps to trigger the cutscene. Girdle of Maegfolc Might (Leaden Key assassins in Stormwall Gorge) He Carries Many Scars (Undead Raedric) Broad Belt of Power (Random?) Final Boss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HvkQfN_-R8
  6. The focus should be less on paladins and more on the fighter vs dragon example provided. The video shows a fighter eating all attacks of the dragon, even the meant to be avoided, high damage breaths, and coming out on top with room to spare. Now this is as seen, and as stated with no consumables, potions, pausing, changing of position, etc. He also stated that the rolls were terrible and this was likely a worst-case scenario. That is a problem. There are far too many topics complaining about Path of the Damned being too easy for it not to be a problem. All it takes is imagining a party supporting that fighter, and then the fight becomes a total landslide victory in favor of the party. This against one of the hardest hitting creatures in the game, outside of the Adra Dragon. How is buffing any class going to make this game more difficult? If the problem is with the game being too easy then the result is that some classes are overtuned rather than some being undertuned.
  7. The Starlit Garb is hidden on the floor of the Glanfathan home on the left right when you enter Elms Reach. At least I'm pretty that's where it is.
  8. I only really have two ideas: Liberating Exhortation - Maybe make it grant immunity over the duration to the hostile effects that were suppressed on activation? Right now the same effect can be immediately reapplied even while the previous one is suppressed which really doesn't make a lot of sense, and this would also vary it a bit from the priest counterpart. Sworn Enemy - There could be two variations, an offensive, which would be the current iteration, and a defensive variation. The defensive variation would be presented as the same debuff on the enemy but instead would give it -15 Accuracy, as well as the 0.8 Damage multiplier, so basically the opposite of the offensive one. Would that be too strong though?
  9. While I will concede that duke's video proves a fighter is mostly superior to a paladin, I disagree that it proves that the fault is with paladins. The main thing I gather from the video is that if anything, fighters are far too powerful. After maybe the first 30 seconds of the fight or whatever, it is entirely possible that the person playing the fighter could have afk'd for the rest of the fight, with it bearing no relevance to the eventual outcome. To me, there is a massive problem with that, and this is not directly tied to something simply being an auto-attack class. The breath attacks are avoidable for a reason, and in my video had I not tried to avoid them, and use summons to eat the knock down attacks, I would have died very quickly. This is adherence to the mechanics of the fight, and I think that is the right way a person should have to beat the encounter. How is it that people can watch someone do the fight with a class that can ignore all the mechanics, even the avoidable ones, and basically afk, and then fault the class that had to adhere to them as being the issue? Having only done solo playthroughs I didn't have a chance to experience it, but the wide regard seems to be that with a party the game is entirely too easy on Path of the Damned. If a fighter can trivialize what is supposed to be one of the harder encounters in the game, I would think it isn't much of a stretch to say that a party built around a fighter tank could trivialize most if not all of the fights in the game.
  10. Hello all, I've been playing a solo PotD playthrough as a Paladin and I cannot really fathom all of the hate that Paladin as a class has been getting. I have completed the playthrough already with a monk and I have to say that the Paladin thus far has been vastly easier, if not entirely effortless for a fair portion of the game. Linked below is a video of me solo'ing the Sky Dragon on PotD difficutly with said Paladin, without the use of any traps or any real "cheese" tactics that most people would use, even with a full party. I can't attest to how well a Paladin functions in a group because I haven't played that way, but as a standalone character, they are fairly amazing. I apologize if the video is terrible, it's the only one I've ever recorded, but I feel like it shows that Paladins are definitely not bad.
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