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Posts posted by CrowPusher

  1. My manager has told me that as of late I have accquired a rebellious reputation, a reputation of being a rabble rouser, and a malcontent.  Now, while I am an individualist, my rebellion always is aimed towards a cause.  Also, I am really a nice guy.  Why, just the other day I PMed Mus? asking him if he was okay.  Today, I lashed out at Arkan with harsh words when he was being mean to Hades who was just venting.  I may be mean sometimes, but it is in fact, because I care.  About you!  Why, just tonight I went to my younger brother and sister's school choir concert.  Is that the sort of thing a mean person would do?  I even joined in when they were singing the Halleluja Chorus, but only after the director invited the audience to do so if they knew the piece.  Are these the actions of a rebel?


    I think not.


    Ah. Your manager must be a Republican.


    (J/k, I'm moderate)

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