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About Greinhed

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  1. To the OP - I think they mentioned somewhere that they are going to optimise how maps load, so the game doesn't run out of memory and crash as much on 32-bit systems with less RAM. In your case I reckon the biggest problem is the 2GB RAM - you might want to close absolutely everything else that might be eating RAM, or just bump it up to 4GB if you can. I play on a laptop that's below minimum requirements on everything but RAM, and it doesn't run too badly at all.
  2. What the devs said was, that the latest version of Unity started bugging out Shroud, the plug-in they use for cloaks, which in turn caused cloaks to stop rendering on mac. That means it's a Unity problem, and I'm sure they've already brought it up with Unity support and are simply waiting for a clear reply / solution so they can relay it to us. It certainly doesn't sound like a problem that Obsidian can fix by themselves, and however much we spam the forums, I doubt it'll make the Unity guys work faster (they probably don't read Obsidian forums specifically considering the amount of other studios they have to support). Apologies that I can't quote what the devs said exactly, but if you want, I'll try to find it.
  3. Ah, so a Full Attack with two weapons appears as two separate attacks in the combat log, with their own crit/hit/miss resolutions, and separate Carnage attacks? And the effects of Barbaric Blow (+crit and increased area) apply to both attacks? I get it now, thanks a lot for the speedy reply!
  4. I noticed the following issue with Barbaric Blow: Even though it's supposed to be a Full Attack, from the combat log it appears that my character is only making an attack with his main weapon (see screenshots below). Reading the tooltip for Full Attack, I thought it was supposed to be a simultaneous strike with both weapons, dealing double damage, or at least more damage than an attack with one hand. In my example below, the following strike, which was a standard one handed attack, actually dealt a bit more damage than the Barbaric Blow itself! Barbaric Blow screenshot: http://imgur.com/4M3uwYp Next attack screenshot: http://imgur.com/4M3uwYp Is this a bug, or did I not understand the meaning of Full Attack correctly?
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