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Posts posted by Eisenheinrich

  1. Dude, relax, you sure write a lot of stuff, I don't even have the time to answer to all that wall of text you deliver like some epic backer story. But I guess everyone's entitled to his/her views. I for myself, as a member of the noble people that brought you boardgames such as Carcassone and Settlers of Catan, can abstract a game from a simulation and give a flying **** about immersion that candycoats everything. And your avatar is annoying. Ad hominem! Didn't see that one coming, did you?

  2. Okay dude, while this was funny to read and I laughed out on one or two occasions, you're overly nitpicking here. With an exclamation on "overly". I thinkt the options are okay, not mindblowing but at least the flavour-fluff of being Eothian cleric (which most games would handle by giving you a special spell or a +1 on something, if anything at all, because, well, it's fluff) was considered in some roleplaying and dialog-elements. Heck, your sarcastic diary reads a little bit like: "Why is the entire game not 100 % designed around the fluff I choosed for my cleric-build? This is hilarious! Outrage! Why can't I do everything I want to do in my fantasy?" 

    So, if you don't get that a CRPG limits some of the aspects a classic Pen-&-Paper RPG contains, you should reconsider your understanding, take some dice and play the classic way. As a mage in POE I can't burn houses with my fireball-spell. And they're made out of wood. OUT OF WOOD! DAMN YOU OBSIDIAN FOR RESTRAINING MY FANTASY AND RAPING MY IMMERSION!!! 


    Edit: Okay, they're mostly made out of stone ... well played, Obsidian.

  3. Guten Tag!


    Internet message boards are a funny thing. I wanted to discuss the dungeons you liked, but instead, people feel engaged to concentrate on the things they disliked about them. So funny. Besides, I agree that encounter design could be improved in the next expansion or even a sequel. I remember the bountyhunt-quests and the Vithrac-Encounter in lvl 12 or 13 of Od Nua to be superior compared to most of the random fights in the game.

  4. Guten Tag!

    So, I thought we talk about the dungeons in PoE, because, well, this is the enviroment which spawned RPGs in the first place. The dungoen is essential to a RPG, it's a trope of pop culture almost, and when it comes down to some serious dungeon delving, count me in. I played the **** out of Diablo 1 (wich is, to be honest, one big dungeon), got my share of D&D in mom's basement, loved Durlag's Tower and Watcher's Keep and get my panties wet, when I think about the epicness of Icewind Dale's multileveled vaults of terror. So, I was rather excited to see how PoE would handle this matter. And, what to say: It surprised me. The dungeons are all done very well, they are among the best designed areas (both in terms of artwork and feel) in the game. While I loathed some of the clunky architecture in the game (Caed Nua was a strange place, why does the map icon look so much different? Also not fond of the sterile areas of Defiance Bay), the dungeons where beautiful to look at. Also, they felt like real places with a story that's going on and which you can explore while hacking your way through them.


    I remember the uninspired dungeons in the first NWN oder even worse, Dragon Age II. A dungeon is more than a bunch of halls and corridors stuffed with monsters. It's a underground adventure playground, deadly and unpredictable, full of traps and dangers. The bigger the better. I was amazed by the 15 levels of Od Nua, each and every layer a unique part in itself. Well done, devs. The feeling of getting deeper and deeper beyond the surface was well developed, also the feeling of an ancient terror waiting deep down below.

    But the most memorable dungeons were elsewhere. I remember them, because they were so fun to play and had a cool vibe and story to them. Here's my rating:

    4. First engwhihtian temple - first impression, ancient enviroment, some intresting riddles, some lore, hits you on the right spot.


    3. Temple of Eothas - just good old dungeoncrawling in a forgotten temple. The visions and revealing the story of what went on there really impressed me.


    2. Skaen Temple - this was such a good place to fight through, really dark and creepy with some really sinister feel to it. Loved the outcome, when you enter the Tower from the backdoor. 


    3. Raedric's Hold - Maybe best "dungeon" I played since IWD's Dragons Eye. The multiple ways of handling it, all those layers, from rooftop to the deepest cellars were just a blast to play. 

    So, what are your favourite dungeons?

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  5. Guten Tag!

    I was wondering how this works. So, elves can get very old in Eora (the one anamfath you meet in Elmsreach is way over 250 years old), while I assume, that humans have a decent lifespan up to 50 years (wich is high compared to the real Renaissance). And as if the game ignores this fact, the elves come across as pretty down to earth and grounded folks. Heck, there's even a elven miller in Gilded Vale, and I ask myself, why someone should become a miller when having that lifespan? This struck me as irritiating. With a lifespan up to 200 - 300 years, elven worldview would highly differ from other races. But in Eora, Elves come across as humans with pointy ears and a waaaaaay longer lifespan, which in no way affects their traits. They don't come across to be more wise or experienced, as someone could assume due to their age. 


    I assume, such a difference would cause lots of conflict, but there's even miraculoulsy a culture known as Glanfath wich includes several different races, as dwarfs, elves, orlans and human come together and share some type of a backwood-hippie-thing. How does this even work? There is a mention, that interracial sex could not lead to pregnancy. How can they be in the same clan or tribe? An elven anamfath would block the throne of his clan for several human generations, without a chance for the other races! This sure would stir some jealousy. Heck, why would any tribe choose a weak and shortliving human over an elven anamfath, who could lead the tribe for a much longer term and has more wisdom from the past as even the best human scholar?

    Or, and this is the burning question, doesn't race matter, because souls can travel from race to race after death? That one soul could be reborn in a human, elf next life and after that maybe as an orlan? Is this mentioned in the game?  

    Hope I made my thought clear!

    P.S. The game is great, I love it, but the world is also very new and complicated to understand. 

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