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Everything posted by Zrin

  1. Sagini keeps asking me about someone called Thaos, I have no idea who that is. Unless I'm forgetting something, I assume it's a character from the main story who I haven't encountered/been told about yet. Bug, yes? (Her asking.) (My journal just after she asked.) Edit: Can't seem to upload my save file due to max file size restriction. Sorry.
  2. It's weird though, when I originally stole the item I was stealthed and no one noticed or seemed to care, now they're attacking me on sight as soon as I enter. Is that how stealing work or...?
  3. The same thing is happening to me. Pretty certain it's because I stole some books from the locked room, whoops. Any way to reset my allegiance via the console or anything? Any help would be hugely appreciated, this is so frustrating.
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