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About DoomDude1

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    Games. Lots of games. Good laaaawd allmighty, help me not play so many games
  1. How about you give some credits to Firedorn's own words instead of denying him any kind of honesty in order to keep justifying your anger toward Obsidian? How long will you keep holding your grudge against the devs when the very author of the lines you're pretending to defend said things didn't happened the way you are presenting them? I feel the issue is mainly that due to a random person on Twitter complaining, a backer was told/offered to change his text. So, to be fair to everyone, all backers should be able to change theirs, right?
  2. Think people got as riled up as they did (not excluding myself) because, given the past year or so in gaming, it COULD happen. That's what's scary, that things like this actually do happen and they COULD happen here. Think of it as someone telling you someone went and got robbed in NYC after dark, in a park. You'd believe it, right?
  3. I absolutely love the idea of a stronghold but it's quite underwhelming. Like, for instance, I was seriously disappointed when I found out the sleeping bonuses for various improvements weren't cumulative, and that resting at my stronghold is either for immersion or immediate necessity. One of the things I always crave in various games is the actual feeling of claiming land and lording over it. I quite enjoy how you have petitioners and various guests staying at your castle and I'd love for Obsidian to expand on that, allowing more actual control over your lands than just arbitrary improvements. Also, I think it would be swell if they decided to release an expanded stronghold function with the expansion pack, that they'd include it in the base game as well (on account of not splitting their players between those who will have more fun with the same mechanic and those who won't).
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