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Everything posted by BaconCatBug

  1. Exactly what I wanted to say. I´m gay myself and I haven´t been offended in any way by this. To be honest, I see it exactly as others here: that some anonymous intenret crowd started yelling and you backed up. Not cool, Obsidian. You haven´t lost customer in me, because I think you worked hard and delivered a splendid game; but will you buckle just because somebody will start moralizing a complicated and morally complex game? Isn´t that exactly what we backed? Please, just hold on, don´t let them beat you so easily. Too late for that, they have buckled, caved and run with their tail between their legs. They have been beaten because of whiny men-hating feminists.
  2. I am very, very disappointed. Between NWN2, it's expansions and New Vegas I have clocked in literally a thousand or more of hours of time playing your games and to see you capitulate to a hate group that literally wants to kill all men simply for being men is upsetting to the extreme. While I did not back the game (Remember, No Russians Preorders), I had been planning on buying it once I had the disposable income available. Now, I will not. I know your marketing department probably doesn't consider the lost sales and the lost respect as important as pandering to hate groups, but I felt the need to sign up and make my opinion, however much it'll be lost in the noise, known.
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