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About CornBreadtm

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  1. Inventory wipe bug: Whenever I place companions in the stronghold even if its only for a moment to update there gear everything in their quick slots and inventory gets wiped! I didn't notice till about 30 minutes ago, luckily I only lost a few potions and Aloths back up books. Had to roll back an hour because I lost a bunch of uniques I was saving on Kana. Chant lock bug: Kana keeps using the same chant after swapping him in and out of the party. If I call his chant "asdahdado" he will only use a chant with the same name on combat start. I'd have to manual trigger his chants if I want to use some other named chant. That pretty much makes him useless do to the amount of micro managing that is required to do that. I had this same problem with the chants before the 103 patch. Also if you fill up all of the slots with chants, when you pull him out of the strong hold he'll have 6 chant slots 2 being dups. Resource rings: If you give a companion spell resource rings "+1 lvl 1 spell" and the like and place them in the stronghold. They will get +1 over and over till you pull them out with a large number of charges (I have about 24 lvl 2 spells now on Aloth (Ironicly it balances him out with cyphers but that's another problem)). The ring had +1 for lvl 4 spells and when I leveled he started with 14 instead of 2. There are probably some more but I haven't been swaping party members much since it's so buggy and I actually want to play! @.@ I'd leave a save file but site says it's too big...
  2. I'm having the exact same problem. I am on my second playthrough and didn't have this problem on the first play through. It's infuriation since there are so many ways to leave the hold. This instantly ruined my speed run since I had to get up to the point before my stats got ruined. Does anyone know any console commands to move my party to another exterior?
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