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Everything posted by Nyefan

  1. I've found a temporary workaround for this. First, go to /home./unity3d/Obsidian\ Entertainment/Pillars\ of\ Eternity/ Then, open "prefs" in your preferred text editor Find the line, "<pref name="Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode" type="int">1</pref>", and change the value to 0 When you launch the game, move the window to the screen you want to render on, go to the options menu, and turn on full screen. To the devs, this is necessary because, if you uncheck fullscreen in the options menu, the audio turns into stuttering noise. Cities: Skylines had this problem for awhile after release, but it's fixed now. Their devs may be able to shed some light on the issue if you have trouble finding it.
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