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Posts posted by Emptiness

  1. That was a miss. Look at the "Accuracy - Defense" score.


    No, it was a hit.  Notice the text "(Hit)".




    It seems that the Gul with a DR of 0.0 takes no damage when hit, instead of the expected 21. 


    The damage was 0.0 because your target is already dead.  Sometimes when a hit happens very soon after a target has been defeated it gets into the combat log, because the game hasn't had time to fully appreciate the dead status of the target.  In those cases you will see a hit for 0.0 damage in the combat log.

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  2. When literally not a single day can go by without me reading about or encountering a new major bug, I think it's fair to say that the game has launched in an unacceptable state.


    I understand frustration over bugs that negatively impact your gameplay, but how exactly does reading about a bug hurt you?


    Maybe I'm just lucky, but I'm in Act III and I haven't personally experienced any bugs that barred my progress in the game.  Others have finished the game, so apparently I'm not completely alone.


    After reading your post I couldn't help but look back at the thread title, and then think about the backers, some of whom paid very large sums of money and then actually beta tested the game so that the rest of us could pay less and then enjoy the game with fewer bugs.  If you had been a backer, and were here to complain about bugs you reported in the beta not being fixed before release, then I would sympathize more.

    • Like 2
  3. Generally in most games that have a Paladin class, that's pretty much what you get, they can support and tank, but mostly they tank better than most if not all classes, or else what is their purpose?


    Generally in most games that have a Paladin they support and tank, but are not generally the best tank.  The best tank is generally a class that just tanks, no support.  The purpose of a Paladin is to offer a different play experience.  The PoE Paladin does that.




    So while playing, I ran into a weird situation where my Paladin VS a Fighter class enemy ended up stuck in a stalemate together.


    My Paladin's deflection of course was too high for him to kill me anytime soon. But because Fighters continuously regenerate endurance, my Paladin ended up not having the power or even the accuracy to out pace the Fighter's regeneration.


    So it works out that eventually the Paladin will die from losing all his endurance over a long period of time as you only limited ways of regenerating it, while the fighter essentially outlives and/or becomes unkillable from continuously regenerating more than what he loses.


    That sounds very much like you were solo.  If that's the case, then no wonder you're getting the impression that Fighters are better than Paladins.  Paladins are intended to support a group.  It makes sense that a Fighter is going to outperform a Paladin one-on-one, because for balance purposes the Paladin has to give up some personal oomph in return for making the rest of the party better.  If Paladins were as good as Fighters in every way plus also buffed the rest of the party, then no one would play Fighters.

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  4. It's okay for a weapon to be good.  The estoc is good, but not overwhelmingly so.  The counterpoint to estoc goodness is their rarity, especially the rarity of magical ones, at least in my play so far.  I have only seen ones with fine/exceptional...no special magical effects.  This is in contrast two two-handed swords; I have seen a couple special ones, including one so good that my second playthrough will be with a character designed specifically to use it.


    Edit: Even finding a non-magical estoc to buy is a chore.


    She's at the Shrine of Galawain in Black Meadow -IF- you have chosen the correct options while conversing with the Adra Dragon.


    You have to tell the Adra Dragon that you will carry her essence to an appropriate vessel to help her escape the Endless Paths.  She will direct you to the dragon slayer's location.  When you get there you have to revel the plot to the dragon slayer (which will anger the dragon).  The dragon slayer will reward you by teaching you that power.




  6. Your chance to interrupt is based on your Perception and the target's Resolve.  Your weapon determines how long the interrupt lasts when it does happen, but doesn't affect the chance that you will interrupt your opponent.


    I'm not sure what the interrupt duration of a monk's unarmed attack is, but my guess would be that it is weak (0.35s).  My assumption there is that unarmed attacks are considered fast attacks and the interrupt time is consistent with other fast weapons.

  7. Please note: This is not a rhetorical question - I really would appreciate an honest answer. What are the reasons

    to put many fixes within one update instead of providing small hotfixes to the community when there are that kind

    of critical/game breaking bugs? Or didn't you fix at least one of them yet? (I wouldn't blame you for that either!)

    I just would love to hear an official statement - please give us more info about the actual state.


    Releasing fixes without testing them will inevitably introduce new bugs.  Testing a fix adequately is a very labor-intensive process.  Testing multiple fixes at once is, generally speaking, not much more labor intensive than testing a single fix.  Because of this, it is more efficient to bundle multiple bug fixes into a single patch than it is to release multiple patches each of which fixes one bug.


    For example, imagine they have 10 bugs to fix.  Then imagine that creating a fix takes 2 days and testing a fix takes 5 days.  If they make one patch for all 10 bugs it takes them (10 x 2) + 5 = 25 days to fix those 10 bugs.  If they put out 10 separate fixes then it takes them 10 x (2 + 5) = 70 days to fix all 10 bugs.  Yes, the first two bug fixes would come sooner (one on day 12 and one on day 24), but the other eight bugs will be around longer and the process of fixing them all will take an extra 45 days.  Obviously these specific numbers are totally made up, but they illustrate something that is real.

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  8. So how do I create a chanter with 24 INT and without severely hobbling them in other areas than being able to perform their core functionality?


    You don't need a 24 Int.  I happen to have the chanter companion at 24 Int because of a bug, but it doesn't really matter because the extra range is unnecessary.  As long as you position your Chanter in the right place, even a 10 Int will probably be enough.



    The problem is if I don't pick a very short ranged weapon I will always have to micromanage the positioning of the chanter for them to have any desired effect, because otherwise they will stop moving once they are in minimum range for their weapon. And I'm not the kind of player who likes to tell party members where to go every single encounter.


    I can understand not wanting to micromanage combat, but positioning a character is a two-click process.  If you don't manage your characters at all then you're not so much playing the game as watching it happen.  If that's what you want, then okay...for my part I prefer to be actively involved in my party's victory.

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