Well, I can't say much about most of the points since I did not find them so irksome but I have to say, I have to agree on the spell bit.
I am playing on Normal and chose a wizard as a class. I have the autopause when combat starts option active but it can only do so much. It pretty much gives me enough time to cast a Shield (forgot what the actual name of the 1st level spell is) on myself and that is about it. The spells are slow so before I can even cast anything AOE, the NPCs already rearrange themselves to get well out of range, which, unless I am dealing with ranged enemies such as archers, wastes a perfectly good first or second level spell which exhausts before rest. You can't even properly organize choke points because the starting levels terrain offer mostly wide spaces.
I admit to not having played BG games, but i enjoyed a lot the DA:O system (yes, I know, different dev team) and I madefull use of the pause feature there (I am a sucker for micro-managing my party).
I also don't much understand the limitation of spells with regards to rests. I am forever grateful for that one spell or whatever that is which allows me 2 uses per encounter. The rests I needed to make were not so much related to injuries as much as having to restore my spell slots.
Anyway, I guess I will have to get used to the system and I hope I will get more spell slots as I evolve.