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Everything posted by grylock

  1. Same here, when I try to go up to the siege platform, the game crashes. I have yet to try variations like taking off the priest robes to see if it changes anything.
  2. As the topic says, Aloth's companion quest does not show up in my quest journal. I assume this is because I declined his offer to join when I first met him and only later invited him. I do not have any "before" savegames, so I didn't include any (nor the dxdiag file, because it is not that kind of bug). The only way I discovered that he actually had a quest is when he died and the message "Two-sided (or whatever his quest is called) failed" showed up. Note that I do not consider that a terrible bug because I will get rid of him as soon as I find someone to replace him as the sixth group member anyway, but it IS a bug, so there.
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