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Posts posted by Hariwulf

  1. This thread actually helped me out as well.

    I am planning an all Single-Class casters run with  Wizard MC  + Aloth + Fassina (so at least 3 dedicated pure casters) for my next run, and had a hard time deciding between Evo, Blood, or Pure for my main.

    While having access to all spells available seems sooo good, I kinda see a possibly more beneficial interaction with an Evoker MC for Burst, which would leave Aloth as CC, and Fassina  in melle or on priority targets.

    Last 2 slots could be a Priest or a Druid, and maybe a Cipher. I can foresee a lot of mayhem on such a team.


    That said, I am open to hear thoughts and ideas from anyone!

  2. 4 hours ago, Boeroer said:

    High MIG is not really needed for a Mindstalker imo. Your melee dmg will be raised by Sneak Attack (scales with Power Level up to 50% with a multiclass Trickster iirc) and later Deathblows (50%) - then your weapons will add some dmg with quality and so on. Even if you went to 20 MIG it would "only" give you a +30% additive dmg bonus. 

    If you use a lot of damaging cipher spells one could make better use of MIG. But if your main dmg output comes from weapon attacks I think it's not worth it. 

    But that's just my personal approach. You could try it out and see what feels better. 

    Yes, dmg comes from shreds, dual wield weapons (daggers, rapiers, and gear that speed up the recovery of such weapons) and later also your very best friends Fire in the hole and Kitchen stove. The idea is to generate lots of resources quickly, and to use Soul Annihilation mainly as a spender for surplus of points, rather than a primary tactic (trying to avoid the one-trick pony).

    I want to try the WotEP setting you suggested too, tho until I have the funds for it, I find this fast build very enjoyable.

    Let me ask you one last Q:

    Do you think it's easier to find MIG or INT gear, for a +10 points? Cos alternatively I could split 15-15.

  3. I was pondering if Might could be more beneficial than Int, for the purposes of the Mindstalker (Trickster/ Soulblade) build. I mean, I went for 20 Dex, Per, and Int. My crits aren't that jaw-dropping, and while the +50% duration is great and the extra survivability is good, it mostly affects Cipher abilities that I can refresh (Borrowed Instincts, and some shreds such as Ampli-wave, Disintegration...).

    On the other hand, Might may boost my damage, Rogue skills effectiveness, and general melee endeavour.

    I do realize it may appear as an unorthodox approach, but I'd like to hear some thoughts about my postulations.

  4. I would like to get a better understanding regarding the Tactician mechanics, things like:

    - How does it regenerate spells?

    - How does it behave with a soul blade and similar subclasses?

    - How does it behave with things such as invisibility?

    - What about Solo or Party scenarios?


    I threw a Swash just for fun, and it made me wonder what's the point in classes and resource management, when I can spam stuff as eternum with the Brilliant thingy...odd. 🤔

  5. I gotta say, gave your build another chance, and I'm glad I did.

    Having 3 resources of which 2 are renewable and synergistic is so empowering. It's a skill-fest. I love how the build erases the Might-dependant drawback of Blood Mages, and also how it forces me to an aggressive playstyle. It feels a bit harder than a Spellblade to me, but I believe this is mostly because I played Mages and Rogues to eternity, while Monks never really clicked to me in Deadfire...until now. :)

    It makes me wonder if a Transcendent would be as fun...would it too?

  6. 35 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

    I'd recommend Sage. With Stunning Surge (and Citzal's Spirit Lance) you effectively have three renewable resource pools for most of the fights. Add Swift Flurry and later Hearbeat Drumming.

    Nalpasca or Helwalker would be my pick. Helwalker especially if you also want to cast damaging spells frequently. With those two subclasses you can use Deleterious Alacrity of Motion to not only speed you up but also to gain wounds in a controlled way (via moderate self damage). You'll also gain wounds from Blood Sacrifice.

    Monk's Turning Wheel (up to +10 INT) is just awesome for wizard spells.

    Also the Monk side has more benefical effects than a Rogue. Stuff like Swift Flurry or Lightning Strikes, Crucible of Suffering, Clarity of Agony and even Blade Turning can be prolonged with Wall of Draining. 

    Stats aren't that important and depend on how you play the character and also on the subclass. For example a Helwalker can get away with 10 MIG since he'll get up to +10 from his wounds - and that will also scale up the self damage of Blood Sacrifice etc. - you don't want to kill yourself. Maybe also don't lower CON too much. 

    Gear will come together while you play, some nice items for a Sage could be Hylea's Talons (more wounds) or Healing Hands (nice in combination with Wall of Draining), the Abraham pet, everything that boosts INT further (for example Heaven's Cacophony and Charm of Bones = bigger lance AoE).

    Certain abilities (besides Stunning Surge) are really fun with Spirit Lance: Efficient Anguish, Skyward Kick and Instruments of Pain (which lets you stay of of melee range and allows you to wear lighter armor).  


    Thank you so much for your reply. So... 10, 15, 15, 21, 19, 10?

    • Like 1
  7. I'm trying to make my mind on which of these 2 baddies I should roll.

    Spellblade: Stealth, pop a fireball. buff up, enjoy some melee, return to casting once guile runs out. Pretty straightforward.

    Sage: Here the appeal comes from 2 renewable resources. Nuke and sac, buff, join melee once wounds are full. A clean cycle.

    Yes, in both cases I would pop Citzal once unlocked, tho I'd like some flexibility besides that.


    What I would like to hear:

    1. Which Class (and subclass) to complement Blood Mage?

    2. What stats and gear?

    3. Insert advice here


    Thank you so much, happy rolling everyone! :)

  8. To me this feels like the devs were going for realism and preserving the function of food/cooking. I didn’t use food that much in POE 1. It would be useful before big fights but it always felt ancillary to me. In POE 2, it’s realistic for food to be used with resting and it’s realistic for resting to mend injuries. I agree with what folks have mentioned about possible abuse of resting. Adding back camping supplies would be a deterrent/limitation and also keeping with the realism that the devs are looking for.


    Yes, and that is a great point. I want to preserve those mechanics too. Just to make them less (or more, depending player actions) frequent. 

  9. For those who think about multiplayer arenas or duels, I think the OP means it more in a Black Pits / Baeloth style ;)



    Loved these arenas, and the one in the Underdark as well.



    Would kill for an endless dungeon / arena.



    The problem is that resting has a meaningless consequence because the bonus are not necessary. You lose something you don't need.  If you get to many injury you will rest that's it. In the old system you lose a camping supply which you might need later and the consequence is you have to backtrack. It was not meaningless.  Concerning getting rewarded for playing well that will make the game easier.  You are doing good, let's make the game easier. 


    This is not an issue that will make the game good or bad in my opinion but I think this system is pointless. No one is ever gonna die from injury you will rest before.  They should just let you die when you reach 0 HP and remove rest, bring back something like the old system or find a way to limit rest.


    The point is, generally speaking, to have to rest less often for one char that passed out. While adding a ton of immersion in the process, (Overkill system) and precise, direct consequences to combat outcomes (the bigger the hit, the bigger the wound).

    Concerning your "Concerning getting rewarded for playing well that will make the game easier.  You are doing good, let's make the game easier. ":

    I don't get your logic: If you play well, you wouldn't need to rest anyway. So what are you complaining about?

  10. For those who think about multiplayer arenas or duels, I think the OP means it more in a Black Pits / Baeloth style ;)



    Loved these arenas, and the one in the Underdark as well.



    Would kill for an endless dungeon / arena.


    Yes, it would do wonders even for those nostalgic IWD days... You know, there are moments in the life of a man, where you just need to chop something. Aah, the good old times... :D

    • Like 1

    Long time ago I've done a poll with almost similar question.

    Majority (80% of forum dwellers) lean towards only single player, without any arenas :(


    I wouldn't want multiplayer either (imagine to have to play a rtwp game multiplayer - I don't know I wouldn't have tried it -  sounds chaotic and leans towards those who can cope fast realtime combat without pausing or slowing down).

    I'd love a single player arena mode as Wormerine suggests. Just fights of my custom party against opponents of chosen level (or custom build opponent party).


    EDIT: It could also be a side game. With its own progress in addition to free fighting. Like you start with a level 1 party and you fight 3 pre-made fights at different level 1 opponents then you advance one level and so on until you beat the last 20th level group. Man, the more I think about it the more I like the idea! :D


    No one is talking about Multi.


    Single Player arena mode is what I requested.

  12. The problem is that it's not humanly possible to process everything happening so fast in PoE1. At least on PotD, lower difficulties don't really bring out PoE's myriad of combat problems. The game played almost like a hack and slash alla Grim Dawn, but with 6 PCs, it was maddening and unmanageable trying to understand who is doing what and when if you weren't on slow mode.


    Sorry to disagree again, I do respect your opinion, but this is another point on which we diverge:


    - Removing a party member was unneeded and dumb, since is the Player to decide how many he/ she wants, not the game. In a party of 6, permanently removing one character is a huge limitation to the tactical possibilities. Plus, if I recall correctly, you get better Exp with reduced party, but don't quite me on that.


    - If you play PotD you are asking for the maximum challenge. You get what you want. But still, you can slow-mo and Pause.


    - I assure you, I am 100% human and, as I said, I am not any "pro", I can be decent at best, but I never had problem to follow my party, in the worst case scenario (such as occluded view AND tons of enemies) a little Pause and 6 clicks would make the situation clear.


    Not totally sold on Grim Dawn, surely on Normal difficulty the game feels more...open? Streamlined? But that's part of the balancing, as well as what segment of users Obsidian wants to satisfy the most. And here comes the issue: the only thing that these recent changes achieved, is to make a "RTwP newbie" feel "better" about himself. Which is kinda bad, because to pursue this goal, so much was lost. And I really, honestly and wholeheartedly, don't think that slowing the game will magically resolve issues that are deeply nested in core mechanics' execution. Besides, people are complaining about the slowness already now, think how it will be at release... Before was too fast, then too slow... It's nonsense. And that's why I would prefer Obsidian to let each player tailor the experience according his or her personal taste and need. In the end, that's the best solution. That, and improving AI and other core mechanics, of course. 


    Edit: grammar. Sorry but here is late night and I am K.O.

  13. Just reactivate the option for people who want to play in slower speed.

    What's the point in removing the option anyhow?

    It doesen't make any sense. I can't enjoy the fights like they are now.

    This needs to be reimplmented, so that everyone can choose the combat speed they are happy with...



    To appeal to some "slow players" (no pun meant), they took away the enjoyment of others. This is so infuriating, they break the game for no reason.

    Why take away the choice? Can you believe I cannot play the Beta because of how frustrating is to see those 5 dummies staring at the enemies?


    I am Not a pro, but I almost never slowed down time in POE1. I just Paused few times.

  14. My .02 on combat speed:


    • Current combat speed is fine for a "normal" setting.
    • It can feel too fast at the beginning because a) we're facing lagufaeth, who are fast enemies; b) we are still getting used to new mechanics, which requires time to think our moves in combat.
    • Combat did not feel too fast for me when facing enemies like xaurips, delemgan, or wurms. After warming up to the mechanics, it felt all right against lagufaeth too.



    • A slow mode appears to be called for, if nothing else out of popular demand.
    • Increasing recovery times further won't do any good. In fact, it will do harm: Recovery times are already very slow. If you wear plate armor and wield a two-hander, you spend half the encounter staring at your idle guy doing nothing, which isn't fun.

    I believe recovery times were good in PoE. If the problem was that we could reach 0 recovery and the team wanted to balance that, just reducing the number of bonuses to recovery that can be obtained and stack would do. Deadfire is not going to have Durgan steel enhancements, that I know of, which was a big contribution to reaching 0 recovery (I also don't believe it's a problem if it can be reached; you had to take very specific steps to achieve it.)


    100% agree on the whole line.

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