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Everything posted by Vossius

  1. Yup. Type "iroll20s" to activate the console, then AddAbility Player_CharacterName WeaponProficiency_WeaponName. Use the tab function if it tells you the ability name is bogus to auto-complete.
  2. I second that. Paladins need something. I remember reading that paladins were intended to be strong single-target DPS and tanks (the latter is moderately true) with strong supportive abilities. Turns out the modals are quite underwhelming and require a massive intellect investment to even reach the next row of companions and their bonuses are "allright" with the exception of the accuracy aura that requires an extra talent to reach its full potential. It's a shame.
  3. It was my understanding that paladins were supposed to be strong single-target damagers and tanks with supportive auras because they're essentially a leadership figure. I've pulled off some nice crits with my buffed up Bleak Walker whom I set up for big time damage, but he can't really compare to the adventurers that I've created to test the classes out. Even the paladin I specced for 100% tanking lost out to Edér in the long run due to his lack of passive endurance regeneration and was barely able to keep the enemy occupied in larger fights due to his lack of bonuses to engagement. I tend to really enjoy the paladin class and it's had its fair share of absolutely OP reiterations, but in PoE it feels lacklustre.
  4. I think the issue lies in the fact that the Bleak Walkers, whilst merciless, are not sadists nor cruel for the sake of it which most [Cruel] options seem to suggest - it might aswell be renamed to Malevolent. From what I've gathered it seems that they're frightfully pragmatic paladins; pointless cruelty doesn't seem all that pragmatic to me.
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