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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. I guess it's just a matter of tuning the numbers. But yeah - given some thought I generally like the idea. While we can expect a general tune-up to overall difficulty in the future, I'll be very surprised if they touch any core mechanics like this though. I've heard that Deadfire is more mod-friendly but I genuinely don't know if this is something that could be addressed on that front. I guess time will tell.
  2. I think your idea of tying it into the existing crew injury/rest system makes perfect sense, it's just that as long as spending time is a non-issue it would just result in players putting their favourite injured party member into the recovery slot and simply waiting/resting the duration with little to no consequences. At that point the entire mechanic may not as well exist. If standing around waiting a few days actually cost me a significant amount in gold/resources when I'm trying to save up for a particular item, upgrade or whatever else, that would at least introduce some semblence of decision-making to the process. But maybe still not enough.
  3. I largely agree. In it's current guise the rest system may as well not exist - but maybe they were hesitant to completely remove what has been a component of the genre forever (for better or worse). I was kind of hoping Berath's Blessings could've been used for things like this though, something akin to XCOM's 'second wave' options. A couple of ways you could try and make resting relevant is by firstly increasing the occurence of wounds - a 'blessing' which enables a % chance for your party to receive injuries from attacks which take out enough % of their health in one hit. It could roll against the related defense stat (deflection, reflex, fort, will) and inflict an appropriate injury. That way dumping constitution or resolve will not only make a character squishy in general but more likely to get physically injured as well. And from the other side you could impose more of a resource penalty for resting. Significantly increase crew wages so that rest spamming away injuries or replenshing rare 'per rest' abilities and items will at least hurt your wallet. You could slow down the passage of time on the world map to compensate so you're not unfairly penalised for exploring. Or maybe that would be terrible? It's hard to say, but I hope it gets looked at in some way or another.
  4. Yeah I saw a reddit post about scaling issues just now and it said that but the guy was saying the same thing, their accuracy is the same. Basically the option doesn't do anything so doing all quests will still outlevel you and you'll still stomp everything even more than you would usually. But eh at least you can't see if something is higher level than you anymore so you can run into a lvl 15+area at lvl 5 and get one shot, so that's different than choosing no scaling /s. Yeah - I'm think I'm ready to shelve this game for now and wait for some big patches. There's a lot of potential here but as usual with Obsidian this clearly needed more time in the oven.
  5. That would explain a lot. You can check an enemy's accuracy in the combat log - if you hover over one of their attacks and press shift it will show the calculations. Under their accuracy there will be a +xx modifier based on their level. Might be worth comparing that modifier to be completely sure.
  6. Only tested with the arquebus and arbalest but it seems that reloads are not working correctly with these weapons and I suspect all other ranged weapons. I noticed that at the start of every combat encounter the first reload after the opening shot is basically non-existent. I think maybe it's applying an 85% stealth bonus to reload time regardless of whether or not you're starting in stealth. It seems to return to normal after the second shot. However I then realised you can skip reloads entirely if you click to attack a target at any time after the reload animation starts:
  7. For what it's worth I just did a second playthrough of the beta on Path of the Damned with a Paladin in a DPS role alongside a tanky fighter and she did pretty well. 81 kills at the end of the playthrough and dished out 10k damage (second only to my arquebus rogue who had 82 kills/15k damage!) and was the only party member who didn't get knocked out a single time. Just had her in breastplate with an estoc - Flames of Devotion could dish out nearly 100 damage near the end there. However there's not a lot of active abilities to be using in combat so it's not especially fun - but definitely effective. I'm sure another class would've been more suited from a pure min/max perspective but paladins are evidently more than viable even on the very hardest difficulty.
  8. Just registered to say keep fighting the good fight Errgal. I think I like many others have actively avoided posting here as the incessant petulance can be totally overwhelming at times. Even when there are legitimate issues to be discussed it quickly devolves into thinly-veiled insults and complete indignation that people's personal whims aren't being catered to at every opportunity. And to see the very same people start throwing around 'autism' as an insult and accusing others of operating in an 'echo-chamber' is just too much. Playing the victim as soon as you're called out on it is frankly all to predictable.
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