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Posts posted by Asmodean-

  1. Yeah, plus I'd imagine playing on a 55" display would make those alpha jaggies quite a bit more apparent lol. I'm playing on a 27" 1440p display. So I can see your point. A lot of that temporal & alpha aliaising is probably being masked by the blurring of the (re)resampling of the backgrounds multiple times, also.


    I'm just a little bummed out, because the art style for this game is beautiful imo. But the technical flaws of it thus far, are not letting it shine.That zooming interpolation issue, is by biggest visual handicap by far. that I've noticed. These gorgeous hand-drawn scenes, being turned into a blurry/jaggied mess, because of it. Unless you exclusively stay on 1:1 pixel mapping zoom. Which I can't at 2560x1440, because it's simply too far zoomed out lol.


    edit: typos



    you guys serisouly trying to fight with a lvl 1-2 wizard alone with no companions? Is this your first RPG....ever?



    I tried to solo a bear in a cave as a lvl 2 wizard and kept getting my ass handed to me.  I eventually left... but I WILL return to enact my vengeance.  


    I do worry though, people keep saying the wizard is weak compared to the druid and cipher... is that just early on or does that scale to later on as well?  wizards are always weak in games like baldurs gate early on, but later they become the single most over the top powerful things in existence, stopping time, summons up the wazoo, dragons breath and comets raining from the sky, even opening locks, stone skin and other defenses that make them immune to damage for a bit.  Is none of that incalculable power going to materialize later on?


    If not I may just reroll a cipher or druid/chanter.




    Lol ... no one can solo a bear at lvl 2... he will wipe your party even with 3 members ... xD (well i did kill it with 3 members ... xD)



    Well, not to brag or anything, but - I couldn't solo the bear with my own lvl 2 Wizard, either. So, I left the cave after a few tries, and headed on to Gilded Vale. Where I met





    ..you can guess what I did next..


    went back to the bear with TWO lvl 2 Wizards, and rocked his world!. xD


    slicken + bad kiting + multiple attempts = bearly made it.

  3. Abilities that are just a few per rest should 'rip face' and 'rock the world'.....trouble is...they don't


    I agree. Obviously not with all spells, of course xd. But, if I have to be saving my spells for the rapture, for the 'time I may need them'. So I'm not able to simply enjoy using the cool wizard abilities like other classes can do with theirs. When I do fire them off. I want bloody ultima beams of firey destructive awe.



    ...or something like that, anyway ;p.


    You get the point, though. Saving your spells for "that fight" the whole time. Then just dumping them before you're going to rest anyway, is bad design imo.


    Well, it could be that the textures are tiled completely isotropically (or in other words, parallel to the screen). In which case, anisotropic filtering will do nothing. Anisotropic filtering will help if there's a gradient to the texture mapping, which occurs with projection. But it's entirely possible that the isometric projection seen in this game is built-in to the textures themselves and they're applied directly to screen.


    But super sampling definitely works. I notice a pretty big improvement on my 55EG9600. I use 2x super sampling at 3840x2160.



    If that were the case, then I'd agree perfectly with what you're saying. We'll also agree that the definition of 'big improvement' is subjective. (given that downsampling is typically the highest fidelity method of antialiasing with brute force).


    Regarding the actual issues. I'm not trying to force random things, and 'looking' to see if anything is happening. I'm dumping frames straight from the renderer, and I'm clearly seeing that things are not adding up ;p there are quite a lot of issues with the game currently (it's a great game, for what it is. I'm not saying it isn't), but it is riddled with both rendering, and systematical problems atm, unfortunatley. I just hope they can fix them in good time, etc.

  5. Imo downsampling, doesn't work well at all for this particular game. You're basically increasing the gpu load exponentially for what ends up looking like low quality fxaa is enabled.


    The way the game is being rendered, it doesn't work well currently with hardware antialiasing/downsampling (a: msaa is not sampling correctly on pixels(3d models) & it's producing artifacts, b: it has virtually no effect on 2d(i.e. most of the game) other than interpolation which blurs it more. It would be a lot better with a good in-engine post process antialiasing technique.


    Anistropic filtering seems to not be working either, btw. It's the same with altering the render lod bias. It's only affecting a tiny fraction of what it should be. example: hardware filtering/lod bias adjustment only affects the MC portrait for me. Everything else is totally ignored.


    This + the zooming issues with rounding offset errors producing blurry map/menu/text scaling. There is funky stuff happening in the pipeline atm with this game.


    I think people are just desperate, because of the blatant lack of graphical options provided by the game lol. Turning on stuff that's not even working correctly, and saying "yeah , looks guuuud" ;p


    edit: zombie typos & I'm speaking from Windows prespective

  6. I agree that the Wizard uses-per-rest system in theory is sound. But in practice it is not. It needs some tweaking, imo.


    A lot of the Wizard's spells are (let's face it) hardly ever going to be used, because;

    1.  a lot of the damaging ones are total lackluster, considering the cost of using,
    2.  the short buff based ones, totally suite preemptive use (which you cannot do, and you have to waste a use/time),
    3. CC >  all. Why use a shabby damage spell, which is typically going to hit for the same as a melee attack, when you can control enemies while the meleez tear sh!t up?

    I think they need to relook at making some more of the wizard's toolkit/spells per-encounter. Balanced of course. But as it stands, level 1 spells at level 9, isn't going to save the class..


    Now, I'll still play a Wizard, for rp and badassery reasons, because I always love the sorcerer/magus/wizard types, etc.. I'll also still use the cool damage spells. Because they're cool. But I cannot see a lot of others doing this. I'd imagine this game attracts quite a lot of 'min-maxer' types. That are all about  functionality, etc.


    Long story short; classes need tweaking. Druid, and Cypher are just superior in almost all ways to a Wizard, and that's only two simple generalization examples.



    I intended to write a sentence, or two, and ended up ranting like a lunatic. This GAAME!? ;p edits: for typos

  7. I've seen this ghosting/blend problem before. It's unusual that it only seems to follow vertically, though. They didn't move when you panned the camera horizontally.


    I doubt it's the issue - but have you tried to create an nvidia profile for PoE, and ensure that everything is set to application controlled. Or better yet get NV Inspector, and run it - then expand it to fullscreen, and take two screenshots of the settings. (because they won't fit on a single one most likely)

  8. Man, I'm super paranoid while playing this. I'm afraid to do anything xD. Double clicking anything is no go. Gotta double check stats, anytime I change gear. Gotta keep track of items put into stash, etc, in case they decide to vanish, etc ,etc. This game had a nice slower pasing to begin with, but with all of these issues, it's a snails' pace.


    It's tiring ;p

    • Like 7
  9. I may be getting some lines crossed, or misunderstanding something, but from my understanding of it so far;


    So - there are secrets, and items, etc, placed about the world that you can only detect while sneaking (+ skill). That's fine and all, and I can see why sneaking is a good way to go in dungeons, etc. But, out and about in towns and cities, as well. You're basically being pinholed into playing in sneak/fast mode for most of the game. To be able to find those things.


    I dunno, it seems a bit excessive, or overkill from a design/gameplay perspective, to me. I've basically only left sneak mode during dialogs, and back tracking so far.


    I know there are a lot of far more technical problems having priority atm, but I still thought this was maybe worth a mention.

    • Like 1
  10. Yes, I totally agree, of course. Ideally you shouldn't be 'forcing' anything on the game like that, but it's a nice workaround until it's patched.


    This problem of things resetting when changing areas isn't just with the msaa, it happens with other things as well. If whatever you try to change doesn't have a place to store the value locally on your machine (ie the registry in this case, with the other settings). It reverts back to defaults(sometimes glitchy versions of the defaults) on every area change.

  11. Have you tried below?;


    If you've got an nvidia card, you can actually permanently disable antialiasing. (I use Nvidia Inspector, but it should probably work fine with the default NV control panel.)

    • Set 'Antialiasing - Mode' to 'Override any application setting'.
    • Set 'Antialiasing Setting' to 'Application-controlled / off'.


    This will turn off the msaa properly, without it resetting to defaults every time you change location.


    You can try doing the same with on the AMD vision control center as well, but I can't confirm if it'll work.

  12. To save anyone else looking into this some time, and effort. From my own tests - you cannot force exclusive fullscreen on this. At least not in the current game version, as of me writing this.


    When testing it, I tried to brute force the game to run in exclusive fullscreen, and the engine didn't like it whatsoever. 3d stuff, such as characters, etc, would have their vertices showing. Also, my gpu load skyrocketed from about ~40%, to 99%+


    I just thought I'd post, in case anyone else was still trying to get it working.

  13. If you've got an nvidia card, you can actually permanently disable antialiasing. (I use Nvidia Inspector, but it should probably work fine with the default NV control panel.)

    • Set 'Antialiasing - Mode' to 'Override any application setting'.
    • Set 'Antialiasing Setting' to 'Application-controlled / off'.


    This will turn off the msaa properly, without it resetting to defaults every time you change location.


    ---- ot;

    I've noticed some rendering irregularities, also. From frame dumps. The render target seems to be resetting incorrectly each time you change location(example: enter/leave a building, etc). Lod, and filtering techniques are not affecting things they should be, and are affecting things they shouldn't. Also scaling issues. Thats why the antialiasing isn't even sampling correctly on the 3d components.


    Another friendly suggestion: In a game like this, that's heavily 2D based. wouldn't it have been better to actually use post-processing antialiasing, rather than hardware based. Seeing as it's not even affecting the 2D scenes. Post AA would.

  14. Hey,


    When I was preordering, I was under the impression we had the option to at least force disable the FoW via the console command 'NoFog'. But that's not even a viable option, because it doesn't store the console value with the other settings in the registry.


    It defaults back to a (bugged) version of the Fog every time you: load your save, enter/exit buldings, enter/exit too or from areas, etc. Basically anytime you do anything requiring a map load. So it's quite useless.


    I would love some Fog of War specific options. I mean, to enable, or disable it properly, without uncovering the whole area map before it's discovered. Or even to adjust the start radius of the fog, so it begins outside of your screenspace view. Or, even only use Fog on areas that have not been discovered yet?.


    I'm not trying to cheat, I just want to be able to admire the nice scenery. Apparently, being able to see more than a couple of metres is cheating, yet fast mode 24/7 is not?.


    Any help is appreciated, thank you/

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