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About RojayNola

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  1. In the event someone else has the issue down the road, the fix was simple - in the GeForce Now application, I chose "open Steam" to launch the game. Doing so allowed me to see the DLC I'd purchased and that Beast of Winter and one other DLC were listed as downloaded but not installed. At first I had to "uncheck" both, then reinstall them, but now Steam does it automatically; it takes about a minute. Launching the game thereafter works like a charm.
  2. Recognizing that Obsidian has no control over nVidia or the GeForce Now streaming service, I thought I would post here to see if anyone else is experiencing the problem I've experienced. It first popped up a month or so ago, I believe after I downloaded and installed one of the free DLCs that added mainly cosmetic items. I'd played with that content, using GeForce Now successfully several times, logging about 8-10 hours total. Then one day I could no longer select the saves created with the DLC content installed. The message "Missing DLC" replaced the option to choose those specific saves. I Googled the issue using a few different search terms/phrases and found others had experienced a similar problem with Fallout 4 and The Witcher; there were a few suggested fixes, none of which seemed to work. I tried several things, including starting PoE II from the "manage steam" option in GeForce Now and uninstalling and reinstalling the DLC in Steam. Neither worked immediately, but then suddenly my saves were restored. I bought and installed the Beast of Winter DLC and had no problems playing and accessing saves through GeForce Now. Then I finally got around to installing the Deck of Many Things, played for a couple of days, and the issue returned. As of this moment I get the "Missing DLC" message for saves with the Deck of Many Things DLC installed, but can still access saves with Beast of Winter. Again, I certainly don't expect Obsidian to do anything about this, and of course I can always just play without the Deck of Many Things content, but if anyone else has experienced the issue and knows how to fix it, I'd be grateful. For what it's worth, I've been very happy playing the game using GeForce Now. I'm using an early 2015 Macbook Pro (High Sierra, 2.7 GHz i5; 8GB RAM, Iris 6100), and before using GeForce Now it was barely playable (and sometimes not playable at all) on the lowest settings. I still can't always play with all of the bells and whistles, but it was great to see all of the graphical details I'd been missing. I'm going to keep looking for a fix and will post in the GeForce Now and Steam support forums as well. If I come up with anything, I'll relay the information here.
  3. I had some luck with the initial patch. It's unplayable at this point, though. Input is completely unreliable and there's 7-8 seconds of lag for 2-3 seconds where the game responds to commands. I've enjoyed the hell out of what I got to play, despite the low resolution and intermittent lag issues. But I'm giving up until I can run the game the way the designers intended it to run. My guess is that's a couple of years off. I guess the good news is that I'll get to pick the game up on sale with all of the expansions. I hope everyone else had better luck, because it's a well-made and well-written game.
  4. I think this was the article intended by the link: https://support.obsidian.net/article/30-mac-game-crashes-before-character-generation The article says that they believe the problem is associated with the Intel Iris Pro/HD 5000 chipsets and that they are working very hard on a fix, but no specific timeline. Better/clearer communication on this issue would be appreciated. Thanks for that link. And I'm with you; a quick comment to this thread to that effect would have been nice.
  5. I'd settle for knowing they can reproduce it, but I'd certainly like to know what's causing it. Did daveh86 nail it? If so, is that fixable in the short term? I'm assuming that there are a lot of folks with the same configurations we have that are successfully playing, but is there a way to even estimate that? Is there data from Steam or anywhere else that breaks down players by OS from which we could at least guesstimate how many others are encountering this problem?
  6. That is no good very bad news. I very much appreciate you digging into the problem, but I also very much hope you are wrong.
  7. One almost wants to reply to this thread to keep it near the top of the forums. Almost.
  8. I wonder what percentage of mac players are experiencing this problem? Those of us who've responded to this thread are using a wide range of models. Does anyone see a common thread? Edit: this is new. I just decided to try and run the game again, and instead of hanging at the same place, it crashed to desktop. However, this time, the audio didn't cut in and out, and the game seemed to run more smoothly. The only thing I did differently was to leave the game on "relaxed" difficulty instead of a higher setting.
  9. El Capitan (10.11.6) here, and I've noticed a half-dozen or so other folks with the same Macbook - early 2015, 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, 8G ram and Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB. Like some others, I tried lowering the graphics settings, restarting, and disabling some audio options without any change. This laptop ran PoE1, albeit with some performance issues, and the introductory videos and first scene on the adra path ran choppily. The audio cut in and out, for example.
  10. Caleb, Any idea when we might get an update on this issue?
  11. See the thread here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97389-mac-unable-to-start-game-black-screen/ Looks like others are having the same problem.
  12. Same here, running El Capitan on an early 2015 Macbook Pro retina.
  13. It's been a long time since I played BG, but that's my memory too. I liked PoE, and I'm looking forward to the 2nd half of the expansion as well as a sequel, but I'm not sure I'd compare PoE to either BG or BG2. But the real reason I responded is to call not just for Vancian magic, but for original AD&D MATERIAL COMPONENTS. I want to see wizards grinding up gems, burning hair and tracing arcane patterns with exotic materials on the ground. I want incense and candles and powdered motherf***ing NEWT. You kids have your "mana" and your "cool-downs." I will be here in the corner with an odd look in my eye, rolling a ball of bat guano and sulfur just before I make boom-fire. I remember thinking about this when I was originally playing IE games, but even then concluded most people would hate itAnd it is too complicated to implement only as an optional mechanic. Could've gone the Ultima route of just consuming reagents. Honestly, it would have deterred rest spamming by having limits on reagents, and you could have limited key reagents thus bringing limits to the wizards higher level spells. I think a lot of games would benefit from using a reagent/component system. I was joking. I don't see a realistic way, or the need, to implement the AD&D spell component system into PoE or any other CRPG. I was also, as far as you know, joking about being in the corner with a ball of bat guano and sulphur.
  14. It's been a long time since I played BG, but that's my memory too. I liked PoE, and I'm looking forward to the 2nd half of the expansion as well as a sequel, but I'm not sure I'd compare PoE to either BG or BG2. But the real reason I responded is to call not just for Vancian magic, but for original AD&D MATERIAL COMPONENTS. I want to see wizards grinding up gems, burning hair and tracing arcane patterns with exotic materials on the ground. I want incense and candles and powdered motherf***ing NEWT. You kids have your "mana" and your "cool-downs." I will be here in the corner with an odd look in my eye, rolling a ball of bat guano and sulfur just before I make boom-fire.
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