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Everything posted by evan466

  1. Although I guess it makes more sense with EA's Revan, Him splitting between his light and dark sides seemed ridiculous to me. It was made pretty clear in TSL that Revan didn't fall to the dark side. From the DLC, you can reasonably assume that Revan is 50% good, 50% evil. So his personality spits into 2 equally strong halves. But that doesn't makes sense. If Revan was a true grey Jedi (I don't think he was, not fully anyways) that isn't because he was evil 50% of the time and good the other 50%. It's because he did whatever he felt needed to be done regardless of what that might entail. Ends justify the means. So there wouldn't be this huge internal struggle between good and evil in him, which you can sort of assume is happening in SW:TOR. Revan was always Revan, whatever personality he wore. In the end he wasn't a Jedi or a Sith. These were just titles that helped him accomplish his goals. But he was a good guy. His actions were always in the best interest of the galaxy he fought to protect. But like I said, it makes more sense in EA's story. In that Revan did fall, or was mind controlled or whatever, so he does possess a lot of anger. Anyways, I don't think the possibility of a third game is less likely. Good thing about video games is the characters only age as much as you make them. I say the best chance for another game is right after someone finally makes an anniversary addition of the game. After that sells well they'll think, "Damn, maybe we should make another game." Then some other genius will say "But who would make it, EA is busy making Sim 10 pool expansion and BioWare is busy making Assassin's Creed Whatever. What about Obsidian?" Than obsidian will say "Alright but we're retconning everything that happened after TSL and making our own story." An then everyone will be happy.
  2. Shadow of Revan came out today so my frustrations with the franchise have been renewed. Reasons I don't like SW:TOR My first reasons are selfish. I wanted to continue the story that had captivated me. Both games were amazing. KotOR 1 had, in my opinion, the greatest twist I've ever experienced. For me that includes books and movies. I had created Revan. He was my character. He was me, basically. So when the game turns around on you and says that this person you've made and filled with your own beliefs and virtues isn't what he seems. He more than what you've made him. He's the bad guy. I was upset. I didn't want to be Revan. Revan was the bad guy. He had been responsible for the deaths of millions and the almost complete destruction of the Republic. That's part of what made this game so great for me. The whole time you're lead to believe that you're just an extremely talented individual who happens to posses a strong connection to the force. Doors of perception and all that, when they're opened, the world that the game has created falls apart for you. Not to mention that they do it right after about every other Jedi has been murdered and Bastila has been capture/killed, you don;t know at the time. Then you replay the game and realize how they waved it in your face the time and you never bothered to look. Not only was the story great, so were the characters. Bastila, the budding Jedi Master, or at least she thought. Carth, the troubled and scared Republic soldier. Revan, what can you say about Revan that would do his character justice? They were just the main three character, Canderous, Mission, HK-47,all of them were very well written and protrayed. Only character I don't care for is the cat lady. Along with that, KotOR has fun and challenging gameplay and moral decisions. The moral decisions were black and white for the most part but there were still difficult choices to be made. The murder trial on Manaan for example. You find out the man you're defending, Sunry, did in fact murder the Sith spy. His motive was that of bloodlust. Still, the man had been a loyal republic soldier for years and he had a loving wife who had called on you in the first place to defend him. It really made you wonder whether you were always doing the right thing. One of my favorite things about KotOR was the interaction with your companions. I don't know if a game had before or since done this as well as they did. Dragon Age and Mass Effect both come to mind, but I don't think they come close. The conversations with Bastila were the best. Mainly because you could constantly mess with her. Her and Revan really have a great love story, something I didn't appreciate when I was 7, but since has really grown on me. With KotOR 2, there were a few changes. There was still a twist, one that just kind of pissed me off really. Not in a bad way, but because I didn't understand at first. Can never remember her name, usually just called her the old bitch. Really, she was a fantastic character. Much of the game is spent just trying to find out who the hell this lady is. Constantly being chided by her. Everything any Star Wars fan had learnt from the movies or the previous game, she would attack its weakest points. Showing you how frivolous it really was. What the Jedi taught, it had its importance, but at the same time it had many flaws. The game when from black and white, to more shades of gray. Again, maybe the best part of the whole game, the greatest mystery. What the hell has been going on since the last game. Where the hell is Revan? Why'd he leave? Then, when talking about Revan, the old bitch hits you with something you'd never considered. Had Revan really fallen? Or did he do what was necessary for the galaxy? **** if we'll ever know now. According the EA, the guy that I thought was a complete bad ass is just a little bitch that got brain washed. You're seeing some of my frustrations now. EA did one thing right, they set the game thousand of years in the future. Here's where they messed up, instead of distancing themselves from the previous games, which they should of done, they took the story of Revan and they decided the ending. They took these characters and story that had become very important to a lot of people, and they turned them into an easy cash grab. They've shown with their game that they not only don't care about the them, but at the same time they don't understand either. These were many of our favorite characters. Both games were really building up to the final confrantation with the emperor, Revan and the Exile would fight him and slay him and everyone would be happy. Maybe Bastila and HK-47 would even come along to watch. Do we get that? Of course not. Instead, Revan gets his ass beat and Metra Surik, the bitch they decided was the Exile becuase you can't have to male heroes that like sexist or something, basically is useless. Despite how bad ass I think Revan is, he's my favorite character, the Exile literally drains force from other people. If he/she were fully realized, their strength was basically at its peak, I don't think even Revan could of defeated her/him. Now if she/he promised to fight fair, sure Revan would wipe the floor with her/him. I've written too much and am starting to lose track of where I'm am so I'll stop here. That's basically it anyways. Come on Obsidian, please fix this now ****ed up story. I know you guys care about it and I can't help but think you might have share some of my opinions on EA's handling of it. Also, sorry for any profanity.
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