Tulak Hord was most likley the best Duelist ever. Not much is none about him, except for that fact and that he was the Sith Lord before Revan I believe. It is possible that Tulak skills were matched by Count Dookus, but unlikley. He was called the best dueler the universe has ever seen during KOTORII, and he is mentioned in other books as so. It is possible that someone of the Star wars Movies Eras matched him, but I doubt it. If it was anyone who could, I would say it was either Darth Maul, Mace Windu, or Luke Skywalker (Unlike his father, his powers lyed much more with his lightsaber than the way of the force. This is because no one was there to teach him new force powers.
Obi-Won only taught him a little, mostly about the way of the jedi, and Yoda taught him the basics of force powers. All others he had to learn on his own, and it much easier to master a lightsaber than the force.).
And just a random rant.. I hate Bioware or LA, whoever thaught of the name Revan.. they stole my damn Parrots name. (Was going to name him Raven when I first got him, but then my 3 year old cousin called him Revan.. so I named him that.. damn Bioware. ) Now people think I named him after Darth Revan..