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Posts posted by Darth_Onivega

  1. hmmm heres my view on sabre color meanings:


    Blue - Might, Honor, Trust, Seriousness


    Green - Wisdom, Truth, Harmony


    Yellow - Skill, Finesse, Intellect, Caution


    Red - Fury, Passion, Leadership, Desire, Energy


    Purple - Stability, Mystery, Power, Authority


    Orange - Stimulation, Success, Determination


    Cyan - Skill, Finesse, Tranqullity


    Viridian - Understanding, Protection, Justice


    Silver - Balance, Supremacy, Perfection, Purity


    Black - Power, Death, Mystery, Darkness, Shadow.


    i dont really consider Black possible to be a lightsaber color due to the fact that black is considered to be the absence of light (thus crystals used to make lightsabres)

  2. I can imagine HK in the first Godfather movie, in the part where that fat Luca guy is killed i can see that happening to HK


    Bruno Tattaglia offers HK a smoke, he accepts, then Sollozo tries to stab him in the hand, the knife breaks when it hits his hand, then the other guy tries to choke HK with garrote wire, the wire snaps, then HK says "Ha ha ha ha...Silly Meatbags...", HK pulls out blaster pistol and starts to kill on sight :devil:

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