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Posts posted by Darth_Onivega

  1. Kreia didnt train Sion and Nihilus to combat the True Sith. I doubt that (From their characters) that they had the intent on fighting them. Sion may would have tried to take control of them and Nihilus would probably just consume them, if the True Sith arent as powerful as Sion and Nihilus. However this isnt the case. Kreia, Sion, and Nihilus just happened to stumble apon each other from a point of view.

  2. The DS ending has been keeping me thinking. Malachor isnt destroyed but im not too sure if he just stays or if he leaves. I been thinking that he may have left. Though the title of the scene is "Assuming the Dark Throne" so another possiblilty is that he explores the Trayus Academy to have a better understanding of the Sith. But there were ship reckage in that scene that kinda looked liked they were being pulled to Malachor...But it could have been just the camera going into that nebula

  3. that one is for both. The choices that will end the conversation between you and Kreia and she dies are:


    Enough! Die! Trouble me no more! (evil)


    Rest, Kreia. You no longer have to be here (good)


    the last dialoug (the core of this planet shall be your grave!)

    (Now let us see if Malachor will accept your body, Old Woman...)

    are for when you finish the game as dark side

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