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Everything posted by Trin

  1. Hi I'm not really up with laptops with Nvidia cards, but have you tried the Omega drivers here. You may also want to look at these posts, I know they relate to ATI cards, but they may give you some ideas on how to get things going on a laptop. Sorry I can't be more help.
  2. Hi Mars & Maytime I'm thinking here ... I have a couple of things I need to look into tonight on my laptop, but Maytime's post got me thinking a bit more - can you post you kotor.ini file? Also, both of you, which Catalyst are you using - 1. the Catalyst supplied via driver updates from your laptop manufacturer's web site e.g in Mars case from here at HP.com; or 2. the Catalyst for Notebooks (Hydravision) from here at the ATI notebook support page; or 3. the general release Catalyst from here at ATI. And finally - have you both patched the game? Maytime I know you are running K2 and it looks like you have from your .ini file but let me know anyway. I'm thinking I may have a solution - don't hold your breath, but I may ...
  3. Hey Mars Hope yo got the dll files I see they have deleted it form pcgamemods, wasn't sure if they would like it - not sure why though ... Anyway if you didn't let me know and I will see if I can host it somewhere else. Trin
  4. Mars Man what a laptop, cycling and computers - two of my favourite things! A Lance Armstrong comp is kinda cool (didn't even know they made them), it
  5. Come on peaple the chant has been lost here, keep it going .... ........ GIVE US/IT A BUG FIX!!!!
  6. Hey Packersfan That
  7. Welcome Packersfan We (and infact I mean all the tech savvy members, because I will probebly only be able to give limited help) are going to need system info - at least CPU, RAM, Vidio Card and whether a laptop or desktop machine. Your kotor2.ini file would be useful aswell. The more info the better (usually a good idea to put such info in your first post) Also, run a search on "black screen" as I recall reading about this somewhere else - See how you get on, Trin
  8. Hey Mars I recalled that when I got K2 I tried to find how to download OpenGL 1.4, but got no info. I just went to OpenGL.org and to this page and it seems you have to get the latest OpenGL software from the graphics card manufacturer. On ATI.com I got this result from my search for
  9. Kaijin (aka NOOB) I have also posted more info on running the game on a laptop here - it may help - good luck Do not succumb to the Xbox side - stay PC Trin Jaguar - mmmmmmmm boobies aaaaaagggghhh Xbox
  10. Everybody now ... Say it with me ... "Thanks for the movie/music fix Meeester Luuucas ... BUT GIVE US A BUG FIX!!!!!!! ..............GIVE US A BUG FIX!!!!!!! ...........................GIVE US A BUG FIX!!!!!!! ........................................... A BUG FIX!!!!!!! ....dammit!
  11. Hi Mars No problem in the reply/help Answering your question on which Catalyst I have used and I am using
  12. Hey Mars! Answering your questions (as I understand)
  13. Hi Mars You read my input on the ATI/shared memory/laptop issue. It seems to me that laptops are a bit funny on games. Looking at your specs you should be ok memory wise you have double the Ram/Vid I have so it may run better. Before I loaded the ATI mod both games would not work on my laptop, where as my work laptop (useless spec wise - 1.33Hz processor, 128mb ram, 8mb Intel Extreme vid) would load and run K1 and K2 at about 2 FPS. Go figure (your guess is as good as mine). I had to load Patje’s ATI mod to get ATI Catalyst to run on my Laptop the ATI 345m card does not support it. As an aside I think I am not doing the best thing by my Graphic Card, and I will probably fry it – but I want to play the games! However before you do what I did with the ATI mod I would actually try to load the latest ATI Catalyst software/drivers without it. It appears that you have a card that ATI Catalyst will work on without the ATI mod. If you can’t load ATI Catalyst directly – you will know because an error message will come up – then use the ATI mod. If you have to use the mod it is best to use DriverCleaner first then load the mod then ATI Catalyst. If you have K1 running, you should be able to run K2. My understanding is that the only significant difference is the OpenGL (which is 1.4). How significant that is I don’t know, but it does not seem to affect my laptop. Make sure you go into the kotor2.ini file (it will be in the folder you loaded K2 into/as) and under [Graphics Options] make sure the following is set as "Disable vertex buffer objects=1" (I think the default is 0). Just a warning, I am no expert, my advice is make sure you read the “readme.txt” files included with DriverCleaner and Patje’s ATI Mod – follow the instructions exactly. Also – backup before you make any changes and take your time. Ultimately it appears to be a bit of a lottery with laptops and there is no way of testing until you buy the game. Good luck and let me know how you get on. Trin P.S. despite the apparent "unfinishedness" of the game it is still a great game! and - welcome to the forums and - dufflover will likely ask you to play Pazaak!
  14. NOOB I have a laptop with a 345m card - see what I did here. FYI I'm still running 5.4 but I haven't updated the movie/sound content. Good luck!
  15. I would offer my services to the Restoration team, if they need someone to get their drinks, snickers bars etc, oh you actually mean someone to help with the restoration … well, that uh, is way out of my league I rely on other peoples genius there … "
  16. Normally I hang around the tech/self help forum, quietly hoping for posts on the Restoration Project being finished and any other mods that improve game play, but this post caught my eye. Marblex – you have succinctly documented every issue that seems to plague this game! A fantastic overview and very articulate! Well done! I think that you have recorded the majority of player’s views of the game totally (or at least in part). You have certainly summarised all my gripes. What would be fantastic is if someone in development and publishing actually read it and took your points on board. Alas with all the posts on this topic I fear the only support you will get is from players, it seems the developers and publisher simply do not care. That’s my 2 penny’s worth, Cheers - T
  17. Frustrated, thanks for that I'll get to give it a go tomorrow :D
  18. I have managed to get both K1 and K2 running on my laptop using Catalyst 5.4 see herefor how I did it. What I tried to do was use the Atioglxx.dll from 4.11 & 4.2, but I can't extract them from the .exe file - I've tried using WinZip & WinRAR but get nowhere. Can anyone offer any suggestions b/c I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, btw I have been to the Guide and have not had any success. Better still can someone send me the extracted file "
  19. I agree with kotorkyle (I'm a stupiod one too), but the restoration team are great!
  20. I had problems with my laptop you can see how I dealt with it at here (I think I did that right). Check out what Swaaye has to say, seems a very knowlgable guy. It seems to me that how I got mine to work was just luck more than anything else. Also I'm still using catalyst 5.5 and I'm near the end and about to .... oh no spoilers here! Once finished I might try a reply with the 5.7 catalyst. I haven't had to do anything for KotOR 1, so I can't help there. Good Luck!
  21. So what's happening with the restoration project? I just visited the web site, http://magestrix.com/K2End/index.html and got the
  22. :D Thanks Swaaye, I will try that with the ATI 4.11. I was on Dantooine over the weekend and noticed a few lags in the open areas, but generally play was good. I'm with you on the music and content. I think it HAS TO BE FINISHED (do you think they heard <_< ), but unfortunatly I'm such a die hard SW fan I can't stop myself playing. I hope all you others who have probs with ATI are getting them worked out.
  23. One thing that I forgot to mention is that I also edit the kotor2.ini file (refer to the troubleshoot guide) and added under [Graphics Options] "Disable vertex buffer objects=1" This is a useful thread to read as well: ATI video cards with KotOR2, Which driver version would work? It seems I may be wrong about Catalyst 4.12 and 4.11 is the best for these cards (see page 4, Kaftan Barlast). I
  24. I have got KOTOR I & II running on my compaq presario 2566ap laptop FYI - Key Specs (HD etc seem irelevnt) - Intel P4 2.8 Ram 512 (Shared with vid) Vid 64mb Radeon IGP 345m Win XP Home with SP2 What I did: I initially had Patje's ATI mod (goto www.driverheaven.net to get it) running with ATI Catalyst 5.1 which ran KOTOR I no problems. I then loaded KOTOR II and got some play but mostly player freezes. The prologue would not work at all. I tried all the tweaks etc that I could, but still no go. I then uninstalled Patje's mod and cleaned the driver out entirely with drive cleaner pro (get from www.omegadrivers.net). I then installed Omega drivers. These did not work at all, the game did not even start and all I got was an XP error report (please send to B Gates). So another uninstall, then a search of these forums and some VERY useful information THANKS a lot all you tech heads out there (me not being one of them) for your help and postings. Ultimately I went to ATI and downloaded Catalyst 4.12 as it seemed that several users had success with this, and Catalyst 5.4 (note these are reasonable size files so be prepared for a long d/l time if you are on dial up). I then started with no mod (Patje or Omega) in the mean time my vid card started to show as ATI Radeon X200/X300 - I do not know how this happened but I suspect it is something to do with the clean out using driver cleaner. I then loaded Patje's mod and Catalyst 5.4 - KOTOR II now works! Note I have all settings on low/high performance. The only issue I had was in the mines on Pregorus(?) where you have to go through the heated part. I had player freezes there but with running then when the freeze happened saving the game, quitting and then restarting I got through in a couple of restarts. I am now on Teros and have had no further problems. I think problems occur when there is a lot of "smoke" in the picture. I now see that ATI has released Catalyst 5.5 but I have not loaded it, and I will not as I seem to be going ok
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