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Everything posted by Zedicus

  1. Hmmm... What does she say? I have only played it once: LS female Revan LS male Exile So, I missed out on this stuff! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think she asks Carth if he thinks the Exile will find Revan/What happened to Him/Her. Not 100% sure though
  2. where did you come up with that one? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maximus Decimus Meridius was born in the province of Baetica in Hispania in AD 152. He was the son of Meridius, the governor of the province, and of Lucretia, the daughter of the Roman Senator Bodaus. He was sent to school at the age of eight to Hispalis, and studied under the tutelage of Fulvus, the stoic philospher. He joined the army at 17 as a Standard Bearer. He fought in campaigns against the Celts in Britannia and against the Parthians in Cappadocia. Honored for his bravery under the fire of battle, he moved up through the ranks as optio, centurion, and then as primus pilus of the First Cohort under General Lucius Veras. Marcus Aurelius, a friend of Maximus's father and father-in-law, appointed him Legate of the Emperor's Legion in AD 176. He was the youngest general so appointed in Roman history. He led the army against the Veture in Gaul and the Marcomanni in Germania. He was away for four years until the final victory against the barbarians near the river Danube. Earlier, in AD 171, while visiting the villa of Sergius Manus, a wealthy landowner in the Spanish province of Gemina, he fell in love with Sergius's daughter Cecilia. Maximus and Cecilia married, and had a son named Decimus after his grandfather. They settled on a working farm in the hills of Fulginia, several day's ride from Rome. The farm sat on a hillside, and giant poplars lined its entry road. Though he was able to spend little time with his family, he loved them deeply. Letters that he wrote to his son and wife survived him, and were carefully preserved by his followers after his death. After Marcus Aurelius's death in the camp at Vindobona, Maximus was arrested by the guards of the new emperor Commodus (rumored to have smothered his own father). Suspecting Commodus, the general had refused to give allegiance to the new emperor. As he was about to be executed, Maximus overwhelmed his guards and escaped. In retaliation for this, Commodus had the general's family and retainers brutally murdered. Maximus returned home after much travail and found his loved ones crucified. He fainted from sorrow and his wounds, and was captured by marauding thieves while asleep. He was sold to the old gladiator Proximo, and trained at his school, taking the name of "The Spaniard." Vowing revenge against Commodus, he fought in many battles in stadiums all over the Roman world -- his fame gaining all the while -- finally coming to the Coliseum in Rome in AD 187. He died in the Coliseum in AD 192 at age 40, after defeating and killing Commodus in a battle in the arena. (He had been secretly stabbed by Commodus beforehand while still tied as a prisoner.) The Roman mob cheered his victory and hailed him as a hero. His dying wish to return Rome to a democracy was honored. A few years after his death, however, the Roman world fell into ruin, and was destroyed at the hands of the same barbarians he had defeated years before. P.S. the movie "Gladiator" with Russell Crowe, remember now...... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Intresting but has nothing I can see to do with Revan....
  3. I Sense a Disturbance in the Force, as if somebody is going to be banned soon.
  4. I'm not getting upset, just tired of people turning topics onto spam fests.
  5. ugh I give up, I'm trying to have a intelegent descussion and 90% of the replys are spam.... :angry:
  6. Hm, you may have a point, Revan "Could" be the Surname, but dosnt realy sound much like one.
  7. where did you come up with that one?
  8. Not sure if this has been asked before, and before you ask I did a search and found nothing similar. I was Playing the game again today & I got to wondering, Did/Does Revan have a Last name? I've googled it and came up empty, does anyone have even any info hinting at one? I cant even find anything on the Star Wars EU site.
  9. Preferd the K1 Story, both LS and DS left you with a feeling of Acomplishment, K2 just leaves you with a "huh?" in my book, a game can use old Unreal 1 or Final Fantasy 7/8 Graphics but as long as it has a good storyline I'm happy.
  10. Personaly I would like to find out more about Reven's Fate, KOTOR II is increadably Vague about it......
  11. Blame LucasArts, they are the ones who Rushed it, Not Obsidian. Hopefully Obsidian will be able to release a Mega Patch or an Expansion, but I doubt they would tell us if they will or if they have any plans to. Best of Luck if you are Guys!
  12. Looking for the Basic Storys of KOTOR 1 & 2 starting from the beginning of the Mandalorian war up to what you find out about the Light side Reven at the end of KOTOR 2. Anybody know of a site that has them? thanks. :cool:
  13. Actualy I'm Nearly finished with the Vaporator Part Quest, dunno if that's the subquest you mean though...
  14. On Dantoine atm.....
  15. I have more than enough parts to build a lightsaber but Bao-Dur keeps saying I still need a Lens (I have 8 Lens's :angry: ) any way to get around this glitch? This is My second play through, so I'm mostly trying to "do everything" and this is a major snag....
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