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About moatseye

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  1. Hope you had fun with the $50 I gave you for this "game"!
  2. HEAR HEAR!!! At least I was able to play KOTOR to all the way to end MULTIPLE times without it crashing/locking up my well-above the minimum specs system. Obsidian, before you even THINK about KOTOR 3 get your act together for KOTOR 2. I can not say how disappointed I was in this game. I want my money back, and more importantly the time that I wasted! Game developers/programmers are just as bad as meteorologists. How else can some one make a living being wrong all the time!?!?!? :angry:
  3. WHAT A PIECE OF BUGGY CRAP! And yes, all of drivers are up to date, and I'm running more than a capable system!
  4. I have the pretty much the same problem. After Kreia talks to the Wookie, my screen switches to my character and locks-up. Turned down the video specs - no help. Turned off sound - no help. I've tried just about everything, but it doesn't help! Eagerly awaiting THE NEXT PATCH for this piece of crap game!
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