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Everything posted by JagaTelesin

  1. Sarin, Thank you for the tip about creating a custom .inf monitor file. That at least got me up to playing at 1024x768, even if the resolution still isn't what the monitor is capable of, it looks less pixelated. It would be nice if the game didn't require you to run on a "standard" resolution, and allowed things like 720p and 1080i/1080p which today's HDTV monitors are capable of. I foresee a lot of people doing what I did - purchasing a monitor that doubles as a HDTV set. Huge size, good resolution and usability. Unfortunately the standardization in drivers is causing issues - game companies should be aware of this and adjust accordingly, in my opinion. A fishystick to the person that comes up with a way to get KOTOR2 running in 1280x720.
  2. Tried that one, that was my first "quick n easy" try at a solution. It made no difference at all. Sarin: There is no monitor driver for the Samsung 61" DLP, as it's a TV display with excellent PC support. I'll have to try downloading Powerstrip and doing the suggested inf file creation. Windows seems to support and display the 720p resolution (1280x720) just fine, from 60hz to 85hz. Doubt I'm about to go and try to hack the executable... it should have been included in one of the patches post-release. What would it take a programmer in terms of time to do it for non-standard resolutions, 60 minutes? /flail I'm beginning to think that buying sequels, no matter how good the first was or who did it, is a bad idea. KOTOR was a masterpiece, worked flawlessly and was one of the best games I've ever owned. KOTOR2 is falling FAR short of even the original, despite having an intricate storyline. Mostly it's the interface that I have issues with, namely graphics. It's unfortunate that people try to capitalize on a good thing by copying it, and not improving on it substantially. I'm about ready to call tech support on KOTOR2 and let them deal with trying to fix it. This is nuts - I own a computer that overall cost more than $7,000 US, and a new game runs on it at a resolution that was available on PCs ten or more years ago.
  3. Nope. The only resolution available to me is 800x600. I've tried forcing 1280x720, detecting hardware... you name it. Nothing works to get it into a higher resolution. My current thoughts: piece of crap video interface they built into the game. Is it the fact I'm using an ATI video card? Is it the fact I'm using a DVI cable instead of a 15-Pin? Hell if I know, all I know is the game looks like crap - it's pixely and stretched. It would be one thing if it actually used what resolution you put into the .ini, but it isn't.
  4. I'd really like to know how you got yours to do this, as mine refuses every time I try. Here's what I'm using for hardware: - Samsung 61" DLP Monitor (supports 1280x720) - Radeon x800 XT Video Card - DVI Cable for Card-to-Monitor display - ATI Driver version (Catalyst 5.4) No matter *what* resolution I put in the ini, it always reverts the game resolution when playing to 800x600. The setup program for Kotor2 also only reports 800x600 as being available. And believe me, 800x600 on this size display sucks! It's kinda sad that today's latest games don't have support for the widescreen displays. Would really appreciate anyone who could assist me in getting this fixed. <_<
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