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Everything posted by Offkorn

  1. Still no fix for setting multiple traps I see (attempting to do so causes the earlier ones to spontaneously vanish into thin air). Sad. And I take it Ciphers still don't have their Intelligence bonus show up on their AoE indicators? Huh. I assumed that's what "Damaged characters performing AoE attacks will not overload their AI state stacks anymore." was referring to. And far smaller, optional, patches. Forced updates can result in all sorts of unpleasant things, as the last patch showed.
  2. The "huh?" is what threw them off.
  3. And why not? There are a few games that take advantage of high levels/let you reach high levels, NWN HotU and BG 2 for example.
  4. Lucas Arts was in the rush to release before Christmas, not OE.
  5. Hmmmm, so they aren't. Well, that certainly doesn't bode well.
  6. Considering that Bioware is working on the game as well, this is highly unlikely.
  7. As was said numerous times before, and apparently needs to be said again: Lucas Arts ruined KOTOR 2 by rushing it for Christmas, Odsidian did the best they could under the circumstances. NWN 2 will be the deciding factor.
  8. I think what they want to hear is: "Yes, I can do that. Sign me up!"
  9. For the simple reason that it's not a "hunk-of-junk". It is mearly incomplete, what does exist is very well done.
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